Gorgias Biblical Studies
Publisher: Gorgias Press
In this series Gorgias publishes monographs and edited volumes on the history, theology, redaction and literary criticism of the biblical texts. Gorgias particularly welcomes proposals from younger scholars whose dissertations have made an important contribution to the field of Biblical Studies.
Let God Be True Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 467
ISBN: 9781463244996
Pub Date: 01 Aug 2023
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Romans 3 is a treasure trove of theological riches, a thematic junction where nearly every major theme in this complex epistle emerges. Yet for this same reason, exegetically it is one of the most notoriously difficult passages in the New Testament. The focused and interdisciplinary approach to this one particular chapter in Romans allows for greater depth of research than is generally possible in commentaries, and the variety of methodological approaches employed shines light from different angles to bring out the numerous facets of these verses.
Revelation and Leadership in the Kingdom of God Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 366
ISBN: 9781463241858
Pub Date: 27 Apr 2020
Imprint: Gorgias Press
The essays collected in Revelation and Leadership in the Kingdom of God intend to honor Professor Ian Arthur Fair, a distinguished biblical scholar and leader in Christian education, known for his groundbreaking research on the Book of Revelation and church leadership. Scholarly contributions included in the Festschrift mirror Fair’s own scholarly interests, including biblical studies, with particular attention to the New Testament apocalyptic traditions, philosophy of missions, theology of worship, history of the Restoration movement, and modern theology. The content of the Festschrift thus closely follows Fair's own spiritual and scholarly journey and also reflects the breadth and scope of his influence on the church and the academy.
Syntactic Studies in Targum Aramaic Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9781463239107
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2020
Imprint: Gorgias Press
How can one distinguish between narrative, which records a sequence of events, and a narrator’s comment on these events, in the form of notes, clarifications, and retellings? Syntax of Targumic Aramaic: A Text-Linguistic Reading of 1 Samuel applies the insights of Functional Sentence Perspective and Text Linguistics to Targum 1 Samuel. Through this analysis, Condrea answers key questions about Aramaic syntax and recovers the voice and contributions of the text’s narrator.
Biblical Ethics Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 349
ISBN: 9781463239459
Pub Date: 30 Jan 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Biblical theology is confronted with tensions between love and justice. There are sometimes attempts to avoid these tensions by dissolving one side of the opposing concept. One such attempt is to identify love and mercy as the essence of Christian theology, overcoming law and reciprocal justice.
The God of Thunder and War in Micah, Habakkuk, and Zechariah Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9781463206116
Pub Date: 08 Aug 2018
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This volume explores storm-/warrior-god motif as found in non-biblical ANE texts, followed by an analysis of the language and imagery in several noteworthy theophanic passages in the Hebrew Bible. These characteristics and vocabulary are used in later chapters to identify and analyze similar motifs in the Twelve Prophets, especially focusing on Mic 7:7-20; Habakkuk 3; and Zech 9:9-16 as test cases. By tracing the use of the storm-/warrior-god motif and language associated with it, a detectable shift is apparent in the use of the motif in the HB that corresponds with the development of monotheism within Ancient Israelite religion.
Complexity and Creativity Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 359
ISBN: 9781463207113
Pub Date: 02 Apr 2018
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This monograph assesses John’s creative interaction with imagery from his cultural context (Roman emperor worship), from the key writings of his apparent religious heritage (the Old Testament), and from convictions shared within the wider early Christian community in his depiction of Jesus in Revelation.
Conceptualizing Distress in the Psalms Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 314
ISBN: 9781463206109
Pub Date: 06 Feb 2018
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Psalms containing lexemes derived from the Hebrew root צרר (to bind, be in distress) reveal a previously-unnoticed generic subgroup in the Psalter. Through structural and cognitive linguistic principles, Rasmussen explores issues related to genre, Hebrew grammar, and syntax in order to arrive at a set of three cognitive domains of “powerlessness,” “palpable threat,” and “entreaty” which are relatively unique to psalms that include צרר lexemes. Rasmussen also makes suggestions about the editorial process of the Hebrew Psalter, concluding that after the Babylonian exile, distress was more strongly associated with divine discipline and displeasure, whereas before the exile it was more associated with declarations of innocence.
Jesus, the Isaianic Servant Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 311
ISBN: 9781463207472
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2018
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Scholars have long noted the importance of Isaiah in the Gospel of John, though few have focused exclusively on John’s use of Isaiah. The Servant of the Lord from Isaiah has also received much attention over the years, but commentators often only make passing reference to the Servant of the Lord in John. Day provides a systematic analysis of the Isaianic Servant in the Gospel of John.
The Coup of Jehoiada and the Fall of Athaliah Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 273
ISBN: 9781463205775
Pub Date: 14 Oct 2016
Imprint: Gorgias Press
The Coup of Jehoiada and the Fall of Athaliah explores the discursive and historiographical techniques used to incorporate 2 Kings 11 into the larger deuteronomistic history. More specifically, this book explores how and why the report of Athaliah’s execution was not incorporated into the deuteronomistic history the same way as other Ahabite death reports found in 1 Kings 14 – 2 Kings 10.
Behold! My Servant Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 393
ISBN: 9781463205591
Pub Date: 02 Oct 2015
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Scholars have long debated the identity of the servant in the first servant poem of Isaiah. This present volume provides a fresh reinvestigation of the identity of the servant in Isaiah 42:1-9 and its role among the other servant poems, also examining other relevant “servant” passages in Isaiah—particularly in Second Isaiah. The result reveals a thorough linguistic, intratextual, and thematic framework for interpreting the identity and role of this servant.
Divine Motive in the Hebrew Bible Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 258
ISBN: 9781463205324
Pub Date: 17 Sep 2015
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This study begins with a comprehensive survey and analysis of divine motive in the Hebrew Bible. Building on the survey it explores divine motive in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, which contain 25% of the divine motive statements in the Hebrew canon.
Soteriology as Motivation in the Apocalypse of John Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 287
ISBN: 9781463204198
Pub Date: 22 Jan 2015
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This monograph employs Toulmin’s model of argumentation analysis to examine how the Apocalypse of John motivates its hearers to respond to John’s prophetic apocalyptic exhortation. John’s visions of salvation and judgment provide the positive and negative grounds for motivational argumentation.
I will be King over you! Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 343
ISBN: 9781463202866
Pub Date: 28 Aug 2014
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This book examines various rhetorical ways in which the motif of Yahweh’s Kingship functions in the Book of Ezekiel and explores what these arguments contribute to our understanding of the prophetic book as a whole.
Wisdom at Qumran Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 348
ISBN: 9781463203696
Pub Date: 12 Jun 2014
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This study provides background on wisdom forms, the key Qumran sectarian texts, and wisdom studies related to the Dead Sea Scrolls. 4QInstruction includes poetic discourses, hymnic material, and short wisdom sayings and admonitions. A major focus is placed on the admonitions, which are discussed in terms of their structure, wisdom forms, and setting.
YHWH Fights for Them! Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9781463202712
Pub Date: 02 Jun 2014
Imprint: Gorgias Press
The divine warrior is an important motif in the Old Testament, leading many to study profitably the motif in its most prominent manifestations in poetic texts. This study builds on that foundation by examining the divine warrior in detail in the exodus narrative to construct a broader picture of the motif in the Old Testament.
Moses, David and the High Kingship of Yahweh Cover Moses, David and the High Kingship of Yahweh Cover
Pages: 382
ISBN: 9781611436822
Pub Date: 08 Dec 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Pages: 382
ISBN: 9781463203702
Pub Date: 11 Jun 2014
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Has the Old Testament Psalter been purposefully arranged? Does this arrangement convey an overall message? This book enters into the growing discussion regarding the canonical arrangement of the Psalms by examining Book IV (Pss 90-106) and considering the book's overall theological and thematic message within the literary context of the Psalter.