
From Our Wives to Our Lives: Guerrilla Warfare Throughout History

The concept of guerrilla warfare is not decades, but many centuries old, with earliest writing on the subject by Sun Tzu dating back to the 6th Century BC. Some guerrilla tactics are probably as old as the first armed groups of cavemen, being a natural evolution of conflict between groups of disproportionate sizes. Popular Che… Read More »From Our Wives to Our Lives: Guerrilla Warfare Throughout History

Seeking Hidden Truths in War and Peace from Angola to South Africa

Written by guest-blogger and author Fred Bridgland Fred Bridgland, the author of The War for Africa recalls his time spent reporting on Southern African conflicts, and how his investigating led to some shocking revelations about Jonas Savimbi and Winnie Mandela. I stumbled unwittingly upon the first and only Cuba-South Africa war, fought entirely upon the… Read More »Seeking Hidden Truths in War and Peace from Angola to South Africa