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Theology & Religion
A Great Mystery: The Secret of the Jerusalem Temple Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 506
ISBN: 9781593338404
Pub Date: 29 May 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Deities and Angels of the Ancient World
In this thoroughly provocative book, the late Eugene Seaich makes a detailed study of the intractable mystery of the Jerusalem temple. Using historical sources and ingenious detective work, Seaich suggests that the cherubim in Solomon’s temple were portrayed in a copulatory embrace. Aware that this thesis is not entirely novel, the author builds a substantial case in its favor and traces the influence of the atonement (at-one-ment) theology behind the concept through Israel’s wisdom school, New Testament and Gnostic sources, up through the Middle Ages.
Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures III Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 496
ISBN: 9781593339760
Pub Date: 29 May 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts
This volume incorporates all the articles and reviews published in Volume 6 (2006) of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures.
S. Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan (vol 1) Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9781593337209
Pub Date: 16 May 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This two-volume set of St. Ephraim’s refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan is presented in a bilingual edition with the Syriac original and English translation. The prose refutations are an important component to the understanding of one of the most important patriarchs of Eastern Christianity.
S. Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan (vol 2) Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 434
ISBN: 9781593337216
Pub Date: 16 May 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This two-volume set of St. Ephraim’s refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan is presented in a bilingual edition with the Syriac original and English translation. The prose refutations are an important component to the understanding of one of the most important patriarchs of Eastern Christianity.
Searching the Pockets Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 222
ISBN: 9781853908439
Pub Date: 08 May 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
This book is born out of the experience of working with contemporary young couples as they prepare for their wedding liturgy.
The Gospel in the Stars Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 524
ISBN: 9781593335694
Pub Date: 11 Apr 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
The charm of Seiss’ thesis saw this intriguing book through five editions in the author’s lifetime. Exploring potential Christian imagery in the constellations, Seiss finds the message of redemption writ large in the nighttime sky. A truly original work, this book has held the interest of many readers over the decades.
History of the Printed Editions of the Old Testament Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 74
ISBN: 9781593338916
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Offering a comprehensive study of the history of the recensions of the Hebrew Bible down to the author’s day, this essay provides the reader with a veritable genealogy of the different versions of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Samaritan Pentateuch Manuscripts Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 59
ISBN: 9781593338923
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The three essays in this volume address the physical, historical and literary features of what were at the time two of the very earliest clearly datable manuscripts of the Pentateuch known to exist.
The Book of Micah Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 122
ISBN: 9781593338848
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This work is a compilation of two articles by Professor Haupt on the book of Micah. Together, these articles provide an excellent resource for the study of the book of Micah, both for the layperson and the scholar.
The Book of Nahum Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 57
ISBN: 9781593338855
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Presenting an original translation with introduction and commentary as well as an edited Hebrew text along with critical notes, this is an excellent resource for the study of the book of Nahum, both for the layperson and the scholar.
The Jews in Persia Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9781593338824
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This essay provides a detailed description of each manuscript the author acquired during this sojourn among the Jews of Persia. A discussion of the rituals of the Jewish people which the author met offers great insight into their liturgical life.
The Jews in the Works of the Church Fathers Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 97
ISBN: 9781593338831
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
In this stellar study of what the works of select patristic authors (Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Eusebius Ephraem, and Jerome) reveal about the Aggadah, Samuel Krauss offers an insightful and provocative reading of the sources.
The Medieval Legend of Judas Iscariot Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 167
ISBN: 9781593338886
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Professor Baum provides the reader with an in depth study of the Life of Judas the Betrayer, which obviously mirrors the story of Oedipus, and its various recensions, as well as a study of the English ballad of Judas Iscariot.
The Septuagint Text of Hosea Compared with the Massoretic Text Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9781593338893
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This essay takes a text critical approach to the comparison between the Septuagint and Massoretic texts of Hosea. Its reproduction seems timely as Septuagint studies have seen increased interest in recent times.
The Songs of the Return (Psalms 120-134) Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9781593338909
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Appended to this thesis is a short work, which stood in place of a proposed work on the precise topic of Stevens’ thesis. The shorter piece, by Professor Paul Haupt focuses specifically on Psalm 130.
The Book of Canticles Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 115
ISBN: 9781593338879
Pub Date: 07 Feb 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This work is a compilation of three articles by Professor Haupt on the Book of Canticles, also known as the Song of Songs. It is an excellent resource for study, both for the layperson and the scholar.