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Theology & Religion
Work and Spirituality Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9781847300669
Pub Date: 16 Jul 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
An intelligent and accessible book that invites readers to sympathetically consider contemporary work and spirituality at individual and organizational levels. There is a wealth of wisdom waiting to be made available and made relevant to those currently at work. This book will help those interested in engaging actively with the wisdom within religious traditions to survive and grow in work, to get saner perspectives on work and to find power to act in new ways.
Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Judgment of Solomon Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9781593339722
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on the story of Solomon and the two harlots imagines the emotional state of the new king Solomon as he sits on his throne uncertain of his ability to rule and judge. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.
The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 205
ISBN: 9781593337339
Pub Date: 03 Jul 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Oppenheim’s foundational study on dreams and their interpretation in the Ancient Near East has long been a standard text for those interested in the role of dreams in the ancient world. With a new introduction by Scott Noegel, this edition presents the complete original study along with its photographs, as well as insights concerning how the book has fared over the past fifty years.
The Life of Severus by Zachariah of Mytilene Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 133
ISBN: 9781593338411
Pub Date: 03 Jul 2008
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This biography of Severus, the patriarch of Antioch from 512-518 CE, attributed to his schoolmate Zachariah of Mytilene, gives unique information about life in Mediterranean region in the second half of the 5th century. These two young men from wealthy families became involved with a Christian movement, the "philoponoi," "those devoted to work" who combined asceticism with theological study. The work, originally in Greek, survives only in Syriac, which this volume presents alongside the first English translation of it.
Companion to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9781853909597
Pub Date: 02 Jul 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church gives a complete and up-to-date overview of the social teachings of the Catholic Church in a contemporary context. Tackling issues as diverse as the morality of the free market, poverty and workers' rights, and as topical as democracy, globalisation and the fight against terrorism, it is an invaluable resource for anyone searching for solutions to many of the social and ethical problems facing the modern world. This new Companion to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church will be of use to parish adult education groups, schools and individuals who have little or no formal theological training.
Putting Hand to the Plough Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9781847300263
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
This fascinating memoir traces one man's experiences of priesthood in Ireland over half a century from formation in the late 1940s and early 1950s, to ordination in 1956, through doctoral studies in St Patrick s College, Maynooth, followed by post-doctoral research in Rome during the heady days leading up to Vatican II. His academic prowess led to a teaching career spanning more than thirty years at his alma mater, where as Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Vice-President of the College he helped shape the growth and development of Maynooth at perhaps the most significant time in its history. Having nurtured the formation of countless students over three decades, upon retiring from Maynooth in 1986, Monsignor O'Callaghan took up the responsibilities of parish priest of Mallow with inexhaustible vigour.
Dawn Without Darkness Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781847300539
Pub Date: 23 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
This collection of some of the marvelous Biblical stories that have inspired generations of Jews and Christians makes them accessible for the twenty-first century reader. Stories are startlingly modern in the way they address and illuminate contemporary anxieties and preoccupations. The encouragement they provide is as rich and relevant to day as when they were written.
Positive Parenting Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 175
ISBN: 9781847300775
Pub Date: 23 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
Raising a child brings many joys but also plenty of challenges! The ups and downs of parenting can push even the most resourceful parent to the limit. Written by established parenting author John Sharry and drawing on the ideas of the award-winning Parents Plus Programmes, Positive Parenting (a revised and updated edition of Bringing Up Responsible Children) aims to help parents raise emotionally secure, happy children who reach their full potential at home and at school.
Coping with Serious Illness Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 94
ISBN: 9781847300515
Pub Date: 20 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
Catherine Thornton has recorded her journey through and beyond illness, her hopes and fears, and the different lessons she learned on the way. She offers advice on how to cope with difficult situations such as dealing with the medical system, telling your children that you are ill and keeping your will to survive strong through the tough times. Although Catherine battled cancer, the journey described in this book could apply to any serious life-changing illness.
Lent: Sunday Readings Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 201
ISBN: 9781847300997
Pub Date: 18 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
This book includes Sunday readings for Cycles A, B and C, including Palm Sunday and the Triduum. The three separate cycles of meditations for each Sunday include a unique story that illustrates and enriches the message of each reading, showing how it can empower us.
The Making of a Cardinal Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 56
ISBN: 9781847301062
Pub Date: 18 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
Following his general audience in St Peter's Square on 17 October 2007, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI announced that Sean Brady, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, was to be created cardinal in a consistory.
Immersed in Mystery Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9781853909696
Pub Date: 16 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
The search for the mystery of God as revealed in creation, in human beings and their relations, in the human processes of learning, artistic creation and political community has been a lifelong preoccupation of Enda McDonagh, one of the most eminent moral theologians of our time. In this book he draws together the fruits of fifty years of study and practice as priest and theologian. Part I of the book is a reflection on a life of learning, teaching and research, culminating in an essay which examines why the university needs theology.
Epiphanies Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9781853909542
Pub Date: 12 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
Epiphanies: Moments of Grace in Daily Life is a series of short reflections on the times of joy, laughter, deliverance, forgiveness and growth that are available to all in and through the events of ordinary living. With faith, insight, humour and a rich flair for communication, the author draws together the threads of tragedy, birth, loss and new beginnings into a beautiful tapestry which celebrates life and relationship, faith and friendship
Families in Focus Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781847300485
Pub Date: 08 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
Presents a new way of working with families and groups, creating a helping context to reduce stress and facilitate communication. Drawing on their experience of providing family therapy, the authors have written this book to help families solve or resolve problems that have the potential to escalate into conflict. They explain how this can be achieved in a single three-hour meeting by exploring the difficulties that are creating dissension, encouraging the family members to listen to each other and empowering them to reach new decisions.
Is God to Blame? Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781847300294
Pub Date: 05 Jun 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
We live in an age where war, natural disaster, and terrorism are the fodder for our daily news programs. In this timely and highly accessible book, key questions around 'the problem of evil' are examined, the question of whether God could do better is posed and the nature of human responsibility and the Christian understanding of suffering pondered.
The Light of His Face Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9781847300225
Pub Date: 30 May 2008
Imprint: Veritas Books
The Light of His Face: Spirituality for Teachers is an invaluable book for teachers and those entering the profession. The first part of the book offers a series of reflections on the ways in which the vocation of teaching has clear spiritual overtones. In it, passages from scripture are considered from a classroom perspective in the hope that teachers might find they have much in common with the experiences of Jesus and his disciples.