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Social Sciences
South Africa and the World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780813155357
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
In this first comprehensive study of the foreign policy of South Africa, Amry Vandenbosch focuses attention not only on some of the major problems of a white-dominated African country but also, in wider scope, on three of the chief issues of mid-twentieth century: colonialism, race relations, and collective security.South Africa has inaugurated an outward-looking policy. Its relative strength among the African nations, combined with the domestic difficulties experienced by those weaker nations, has caused Pan-Africanism to lose much of its force and has enabled South Africa to exert even more vigorous leadership on the continent, particularly south of the Sahara.
Temperance And Racism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780813160030
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: photos
One hundred twenty years ago, the Independent Order of Good Templars was the world's largest, most militant, and most evangelical organization hostile to alcoholic drink. Standing in the forefront of the international temperance movement, it was recognized worldwide as a potent social and moral force.Temperance and Racism restores the Templars, now an almost forgotten footnote in American and British social history, to a position of prominence within the temperance movement.
The Dover Mound Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780813155630
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Fifty-five burials with their accompanying artifacts were uncovered during the excavation of the Dover Mound, located in Mason County, Kentucky, yielding new data on the cultural group known as the Adena which is reported in detail by the authors.
The Extirpation of Idolatry in Peru Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780813152943
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Long recognized as a classic account of the early Spanish efforts to convert the Indians of Peru, Father De Arriaga's book, originally published in 1621, has become comparatively rare even in its Spanish editions. This translation now makes available for the first time in English a unique record of the customs and religious practices that prevailed after the Spanish conquest.In his book, which was designed as a manual for the rooting out of paganism, De Arriaga sets down plainly and methodically what he found among the Indians -- their objects of worship, their priests and sorcerers, their festivals and sacrifices, and their superstitions -- and how these things are to be recognized and combated.
The Faroe Islands Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780813160122
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Stranded in a stormy corner of the North Atlantic midway between Norway and Iceland, the Faroe Islands are part of "the unknown Western Europe" -- a region of recent economic development and subnational peoples facing uncertain futures. This book tells the remarkable story of the Faroes' cultural survival since their Viking settlement in the early ninth century.At first an unruly little republic, the islands soon became tributary to Norway, dwindled into a Danish-Norwegian mercantilist fiefdom, and in 1816 were made a Danish province.
The Gates Open Slowly Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9780813153797
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Education in Kentucky has developed slowly, and even now the state ranks low in the nation in providing public funds for the development of its human resources. In this book the author, who was president of the University of Kentucky from 1917 to 1940, traces the tortuous path of education in the state from the pioneer log schoolhouse to the modern universities of Kentucky and Louisville.
The Humanities and the Understanding of Reality Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780813154558
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
In their concern with the perennial controversy between the two great areas in which men seek knowledge, three eminent literary scholars and a distinguished journalist in these essays address themselves to the question, "Do the humanities provide a form of understanding of reality that the sciences do not?"Monroe C. Beardsley maintains that the humanities considered as contributors to knowledge must deal with the same subject matter as the sciences, but literature and the arts can enlarge our powers of understanding human nature, although not in the way the sciences do (under empirically or logically verifiable laws).
The Invisible Minority Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9780813153957
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Since 1950 more than three million people have left their homes in Appalachia in search of better jobs and a better life in the cities of the Midwest and Southeast. Today they constitute one of the largest minorities in many of those cities. Yet they have been largely overlooked as a social group and ignored as a potential political force, partly because so little has been written about them.
The Politics of Being Mortal Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9780813152875
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
While much has been written in recent years on death and dying, there has been little treatment of how people cope with death in the absence of religious belief, and virtually no examination of the potential political repercussions of a wider acceptance of mortality in American society. Alfred Killilea's strikingly original book revolves around a central irony: though the subject of death has been largely shunned in American culture lest it rob life of meaning and contentment, confronting death may be crucial to enable us as individuals and as a society to affirm life, even to survive, in this nuclear age.Killilea argues that the denial of death has fostered a disavowal of limits in general, and that a greater awareness of our mortality would provide a much needed catalyst for change in our political response to narcissism and nuclearism.
The Southern Appalachian Region Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9780813155807
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
The Southern Appalachian Region is the largest American "problem area" -- an area whose participation in the economic growth of the nation has not been sufficient to relieve the chronic poverty of its people. The existence of the problem was recognized a generation ago, but in the past decade the resistance of such areas to economic advance has acquired a more urgent significance in American thought.In 1958, a group of scholars undertook to make a new survey of the Southern Appalachian Region.
The University in the American Future Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780813154565
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
In these four notable essays based on Centennial lectures, four eminent scholars analyze the tensions affecting university education today and the forces which will shape the American university of the future.Kenneth D. Benne, director of the Human Relations Center of Boston University, describes the fragmentation which has come to characterize the university in 1965 in three divergent philosophies of university education and calls for the universities to undertake a radical change of their social organization.
Who Owns Appalachia? Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780813150963
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Long viewed as a problem in other countries, the ownership of land and resources is becoming an issue of mounting concern in the United States. Nowhere has it surfaced more dramatically than in the southern Appalachians where the exploitation of timber and mineral resources has been recently aggravated by the ravages of strip-mining and flash floods. This landmark study of the mountain region documents for the first time the full scale and extent of the ownership and control of the region's land and resources and shows in a compelling, yet non-polemical fashion the relationship between this control and conditions affecting the lives of the region's people.
Workers Under Stress Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9780813152813
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
This important book reexamines old assumptions concerning the nature of group cohesion in industrial firms as it is influenced by management actions. Based upon a carefully controlled study, it offers a sound theoretical base and a replicable method, both vital to students of group processes and organizational theorists. The study indicates that high stress was positively related to intragroup conflict regardless of group sanctions encouraging cohesiveness but that when managers rewarded group behavior under high stress a climate was created in which competitive behavior could occur without inducing conflict and nonproductive behavior.
Radical Future Pasts Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 542
ISBN: 9780813145525
Pub Date: 10 Jul 2014
Illustrations: 1 b&w photo
Written by both well-established and rising scholars, Radical Future Pasts seeks to open up new possibilities for theoretical inquiries and engagements with practical political struggles. Unlike conventional "state of the discipline" collections, this volume does not summarize the history of political theory. Rather than accept traditional ideas about the political past, the contributors reinterpret canonical and current texts to demonstrate fresh interpretations and narratives.
Producing Country Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780819574640
Pub Date: 01 Jul 2014
Illustrations: 29 illus., 185 thumbnail illus.
Musicians make music. Producers make records. In the early days of recorded music, the producer was the "artists-and-repertoire man," or A&R man, for short.
Virtual Afterlives Cover Virtual Afterlives Cover
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9780813145419
Pub Date: 24 Jun 2014
Series: Material Worlds
Illustrations: 26 b&w photos
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9780813168326
Pub Date: 19 Nov 2015
Series: Material Worlds
Illustrations: 26 b&w photos
For millennia, the rituals of death and remembrance have been fixed by time and location, but in the twenty-first century, grieving has become a virtual phenomenon. Today, the dead live on through social media profiles, memorial websites, and saved voicemails that can be accessed at any time. This dramatic cultural shift has made the physical presence of death secondary to the psychological experience of mourning.