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Social Sciences
This is not a Grass Skirt Cover This is not a Grass Skirt Cover
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9789088908132
Pub Date: 24 Oct 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 68fc/24bw
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9789088908125
Pub Date: 24 Oct 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 68fc/24bw
The Pacific ‘grass skirt’ has provoked debates about the demeaning and sexualised depiction of Pacific bodies. While these stereotypical portrayals associated with ‘nakedness’ are challenged in this book, the complex uses and meanings of the garments themselves are examined, including their link to other body adornments and modifications. In nineteenth-century Fiji, beautiful fibre skirts (liku) in a great variety of shapes and colours were lifetime companions for women.
Gender in Jewish Studies Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 164
ISBN: 9781463240561
Pub Date: 17 Oct 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies (1759-1953)
Volume 13 of Melilah, an interdisciplinary electronic journal concerned with Jewish law, history, literature, religion, culture and thought in the ancient, medieval and modern eras.
Matters of Belonging Cover Matters of Belonging Cover
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9789088907784
Pub Date: 10 Oct 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 25fc/16bw
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9789088907777
Pub Date: 10 Oct 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 25fc/16bw
Matters of Belonging foregrounds critical practices within ethnographic museums in relation to their diverse stakeholders, with a special focus on collaboration with artists and differently constituted, self-identified communities. The book emerges from the EU-funded project SWICH (Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage) that places ethnographic museums at the centre of ongoing debates about Europe’s shifting polity and questions around heritage, citizenship and belonging. Addressing diverse political climates and citizenship regimes, legal frameworks and colonial/migratory histories, the articles seek to question the role of ethnographic and world cultures museums within contemporary negotiations of how to define Europe, Europeans, and European heritage, especially mindful of the region’s colonial and migratory pasts.
Paint it, Black Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 356
ISBN: 9789492940070
Pub Date: 18 Sep 2019
Imprint: Blikvelduitgevers Publishers
Illustrations: full colour images
Paint it, Black covers the remarkable history of kohl containers from the Early Bronze Age to the present day, including ancient Egypt, ancient Persia, the culture of the Early Islamic Period and the present-day cultures of North Africa and West Asia. For thousands of years, people from all over the world have used body paint and kohl, a black powdery substance, has been universally used by both men and women throughout history. The book also incorporates a catalogue of a unique collection of kohl containers kept in the Wearable Heritage collection.
A Petty Statesman Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9788869772283
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2019
Series: Politics
David Hume was not only a lover of political speculation, who dealt with politics in his most important works, but also an expert in military strategies and techniques; a friend and confidant of generals, ministers, parliamentarians, local administrators, dukes, and barons. He was also a talented diplomat, a moderate member of the British government, and an original interpreter of international affairs and war, which he experienced first-hand on the battlefield. Nevertheless, until today, Hume’s practical experience as statesman has not been adequately considered.
Caporalato Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9788869772191
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2019
Series: Sociology
The essay investigates the effects produced by criminal networks involved in the production and harvest of agricultural products. Focused on the analysis of caporalato , it explores the enslavement of immigrant agricultural labourers and territorial segregation practices. Moreover, it deals with the topic of the agromafi as’ role and discusses matters related to the deregulation of the agricultural market, as well as the general crisis of the agroindustries.
The Brutality of Things Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9788869772177
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2019
Series: Aesthetics
In every psychic experience, even in the production of a work of art, there exists a nucleus that is impossible to transform. It resists any and every action against itself. We are used to dealing with these irreducible and radical othernesses by adapting them to our own way of knowing and our experience.
The Mediterranean as a Source of Cultural Criticism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9788869771361
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2019
Series: Anthropology
Illustrations: 3
The essays contained in this volume explore the historical trajectories along which the Mediterranean has been conceptualized as a cultural, religious and economical resource and how these various aspects are intertwined. While staying clear of a merely “imagological” or “representational” point of view, the authors consider the interplay between culturally shaped attributions (for example the longstanding desire for a Mediterranean “Otherness” as expressed in German literature), their testing in empirical encounters, and the effect these encounters produce on both sides. Although focused particularly on 19th and 20th century culture, this volume offers a timely contribution to conceptualising the challenges of the 21st century.
Atmospheres of Learning Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9788869771729
Pub Date: 31 May 2019
Series: Atmospheric Spaces
Illustrations: 5
Socialization in childhood and at a young age is marked, not only by measurable factors such as age, sex, ethnic group, religion or parents’ income, but also by variables such as depression, aggressiveness, inner calm or serenity. It makes all the difference whether a child experiences during their development an atmosphere of acceptance, gladness and emotional warmth, or one of depreciation, indifference and emotional coldness. The atmosphere in which a child is brought up shapes them as people, at least as much as the measurable factors of their social context.
Legacy Cities Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780822945635
Pub Date: 28 May 2019
Illustrations: 22 line art
Legacy cities, also commonly referred to as shrinking, or post-industrial cities, are places that have experienced sustained population loss and economic contraction. In the United States, legacy cities are those that are largely within the Rust Belt that thrived during the first half of the 20th century. In the second half of the century, these cities declined in economic power and population leaving a legacy of housing stock, warehouse districts, and infrastructure that is ripe for revitalization.
Open Invitation, The Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780822965749
Pub Date: 28 May 2019
Series: Illuminations
Illustrations: 28 b&w interspersed
The Open Invitation explores the relationship between prefigurative politics and activist video. Schiwy analyzes activist videos from the 2006 uprising in Oaxaca, the Zapatista’s Other Campaign, as well as collaborative and community video from the Yucatán. Schiwy argues that transnational activist videos and community videos in indigenous languages reveal collaborations and that their political impact cannot be grasped through the concept of the public sphere.
Oil and World Politics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9781459413443
Pub Date: 10 May 2019
Imprint: Formac-Lorimer
Petroleum is the most valuable commodity in the world and an enormous source of wealth for those who sell it, transport it and transform it for its many uses. As the engine of modern economies and industries, governments everywhere want to assure steady supplies. Without it, their economies would grind to a standstill.
The Phallus and the Mask Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9788869771385
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2019
Series: Psychology
Psychoanalysts of all schools have generally dismissed and sometimes openly disapproved feminism and its critique of male universalism. While other disciplines, like sociology and anthropology, have welcomed the contributions of feminist theory, psychoanalysis remains hindered by its own unconscious, which is patriarchal. This book wants to cast light on the unthought of Freudian and Lacanian theory by way of an analysis of the concept of femininity.
Futurism: Anticipating Postmodernism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9788869772313
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2019
Series: Sociology
The first Manifesto of Futurism was published in Le Figaro on February 20th, 1909. It was to become the first avant-garde movement in art – it aimed to change the function of art within society, foster Italian culture beyond its provincial domains, and last but not least, to extend language as free expression of a new and forthcoming society of technology. Art in life was the ultimate aim of Marinetti’s poetry, which then expanded well beyond Italian borders and artistic expression, becoming an attitude for new society.
Gino Germani Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 118
ISBN: 9788869771699
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2019
Series: Sociology
Since the 1960's, developing countries in Latin America started a complex journey towards establishing new values, the ones of modernity. This volume considers the work of renowned Italian-Argentine sociologist Gino Germani, who more than anyone else has been able to outline the process of modernization from this particular aspect. The author highlights Germani’s idea of ‘freedom’ as a crucial and unavoidable concept at the core of the “modern” way of being persons, subjects, social actors and active participants within a social system.
A History of Cinema Without Names Volume 3 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 390
ISBN: 9788869771354
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2019
Series: Udine/Gorizia Conference Proceedings
Illustrations: 30
History of Cinema Without Names is an editorial project which gathers research papers presented at Gorizia Conference. It promotes a new research perspective on the notions of film authorship, style, and genre, with the aim of re-articulating their theoretical definition.