Social Sciences & Culture  /  Political Sciences & Current Affairs
Alliances & Armor Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781636245362
Pub Date: 01 May 2025
The People’s Army of Vietnamese’s decision to utilize armor as part of its warfighting strategy was a product of various geopolitical factors that surrounded Hanoi during various parts of the Vietnam War. During the First Indochina War, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) emerged as the foremost communist benefactor of North Vietnam. The Soviet Union however, largely stood by.
RRP: £29.95

China's Strategy in the Gulf

Navigating Conflicts and Rivalries
Format: Hardback
Pages: 230
ISBN: 9781962551465
Pub Date: 20 Mar 2025
"Houghton systematically unpacks Beijing's strategy in the Gulf…. Persistent rivalries and conflicts across the region will ensure that this work remains timely and relevant for years to come." —Robert Mogielnicki, Arab Gulf States InstituteChina's foreign and security policy in the Gulf region has been characterized by the cultivation of strong positive relationships with all of the Gulf states, irrespective of their domestic politics and the ubiquitous rivalries between neighbors.

Israel Under Netanyahu

Poplism and Democratic Decline
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781962551427
Pub Date: 20 Mar 2025
"Impressively melds together a vast array of material to show the direction in which Israel is moving and how it is by turns similar to and distinct from other countries. This is a book that can profitably be understood and discussed on many levels."—Paul Scham, University of Maryland"An important and timely look at Israel's democratic backsliding under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu.

A Concise History of the European Union

A Concise History of the European Union

Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781962551397
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2025
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781962551403
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2025
“An indispensable, lucid guide to the origins and recent development of the European Union…. Judicious and authoritative in his curation of historical facts and details about the individuals, social forces, and geopolitics that shaped key developments of the EU, Dinan provides deep insights and clarity about the EU’s accomplishments and its shortcomings…. This up-to-date history of the EU is unparalleled—eloquent and engaging in its narrative and compelling in its final analysis that ‘the EU is worth fighting for.

Electoral Reform in the United States

Proposals for Combating Polarization and Extremism

Electoral Reform in the United States

Proposals for Combating Polarization and Extremism
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9781962551625
Pub Date: 25 Jan 2025
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9781962551649
Pub Date: 25 Jan 2025
"This volume is a treasure trove of ideas about how to make our electoral system better—less polarized, more responsive to citizens. In it, big thinkers discuss big ideas. Their analyses are rich, detailed, and incisive.

Tech Cold War

The Geopolitics of Technology
Format: Hardback
Pages: 315
ISBN: 9781962551564
Pub Date: 25 Dec 2024
Series: Studies in Technology and Security
"A must read for anyone interested in the future of innovation and world politics." —Abraham Newman, Georgetown University"Illustrates clearly how the realm of technology could be disrupted by geopolitical rivalry. In no uncertain terms, the authors lay out the state of play in the competition for technological dominance, the challenges and pitfalls of escalation, and the lessons for governments and businesses.
Rhet Ops Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822967149
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2024
In this edited volume, authors seek to document and analyze how state and non-state actors leverage digital rhetoric as a twenty-first-century weapon of war. Rhet Ops offer readers a chance to focus on the human dimension of rhetorical practice within mobile technologies and social networks: to reflect not only on the durable question of what it means to conduct oneself ethically as a speaker or writer, but also what it means to learn the art of rhetoric as a means to engage adversaries in war and conflict.
The Global Spatial Revolution Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9788869774294
Pub Date: 10 Apr 2024
Series: Politics
The volume examines the process of globalization from a genealogical point of view. By doing so, it offers a contribution to the understanding of the deep and critical spatial transformation reshaping our world from both a political and a conceptual point of view, taking into consideration recent developments including Brexit and the politics of Donald Trump. Focusing his analysis on the natural element of “air”, Vegetti provides an original approach to globalization.
Strengthening South Korea–Japan Relations Cover Strengthening South Korea–Japan Relations Cover
Pages: 234
ISBN: 9780813199214
Pub Date: 20 Mar 2024
Illustrations: 16 figures, 26 tables
Pages: 234
ISBN: 9780813199221
Pub Date: 20 Mar 2024
Illustrations: 16 figures, 26 tables
At the conclusion of WWII, no part of the world experienced a more dramatic transformation than East Asia. The region's political stability throughout the postwar period prompted exponential economic growth that ultimately established South Korea, Japan, and China as East Asia's most important powers. While many citizens of these nations now live in a time of unprecedented prosperity, the arrangement that supported this region's transformation is fragile.
Refusing to Be Silent Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9788869774386
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Series: Politics
How can we approach the world and guide our thinking in the face of profound, myriad challenges? This is the ambitious question that animates the current volume. The book seeks to formulate these challenges and develop ways to tackle them through a set of wide-ranging interviews with leading intellectuals of our times, including Nancy Fraser, Seyla Benhabib, Michael Walzer and Etienne Balibar.
The Right to Interfere and the Responsibility to Protect Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 134
ISBN: 9788869774188
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Series: Politics
Focusing on the Libyan crisis, the volume sets discourse on interference within a theoretical framework. The first part tries to understand the lawfulness of the duty to interfere and the responsibility to protect, as well as the semantic difference between these two forms of interventionism. The second part offers an investigation on how the right to protect was applied in Libya in 2011.

Animals Are Us

A Guide to a Kinder World
Format: Paperback
Pages: 310
ISBN: 9781922669926
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2024
Imprint: Arden
‘This book will save lives - human and animals.’Victoria Thompson is a passionate advocate for the protection of animals from great harm. She movingly describes our appalling failures in this regard and praises those who press for the enlightened awareness and humane treatment of animals.
Remaking the World Cover Remaking the World Cover
Pages: 316
ISBN: 9780813197487
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2023
Illustrations: 12 b&w illustrations
Pages: 316
ISBN: 9780813197623
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2023
Illustrations: 12 b&w illustrations
Between 1945 and 1965, more than fifty nations declared their independence from colonial rule. At the height of the Cold War, the global process of decolonization complicated US-Soviet relations, while Soviet and American interventionism transformed the decolonizing process. Remaking the World examines the connections between the Cold War and decolonization, which helped define the post-World War II global order.
Yanks in Blue Berets Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780813197630
Pub Date: 04 Jul 2023
Series: American Warriors Series
Illustrations: 27 b&w halftones, 14 maps, 2 charts, 4 tables
In 1948 the United Nations launched the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization following the conflict that erupted between Israel and its Arab neighbors, who profoundly opposed the creation of a Jewish state. UNTSO quickly found itself overseeing the ceasefire lines between combatant parties. In the ensuing decades, as countries along the eastern Mediterranean engaged in a series of escalating military conflicts, UNTSO was continually challenged in its peacekeeping mission, often having to alter its configuration.
Democratic Deliberation and Public Bioethics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9788869774133
Pub Date: 23 Jan 2023
Series: Politics
Since the 1990s, deliberative democracy has been the focus of increased scholarly attention, as well as the locus of initiatives intended to directly engage the public in matters of public concern. Geared to bringing the core tenets of public deliberation to bear onto different contexts within the public sphere, deliberative processes have been implemented in a range of forms, from citizens’ juries to national issue forums, from deliberative opinion polls to participatory budgeting. Ever more frequently, public deliberation has also gained traction in the field of public bioethics.
Encountering U.S. Empire in Socialist Venezuela Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 276
ISBN: 9780822947448
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2022
Since the end of World War II, the United States has come to dominate the world economically and politically, leading many to describe the United States as an empire. Scholars have analyzed how the US government has worked through international financial institutions, its Central Intelligence Agency, and outright warfare to achieve its will. In this book, Timothy M.