Prehistory & Ancient History Hero Image
Prehistory & Ancient History
A view to a kill Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9789088900204
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2008
Imprint: Sidestone Press
The sophistication of Neanderthal behavioural strategies have been the subject of debate from the moment of their recognition as a separate species of hominin in 1856. This book presents a study on Neanderthal foraging prowess. Novel ethnographic and primatological insights, suggest that increasing dependence on high quality foods, such as meat, caused the brain to evolve to a large size and thus led to highly intelligent hominins.
Appendices to A Living Landscape Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9789088900129
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2008
Imprint: Sidestone Press
This publication contains the six main appendices to the PhD thesis "A Living Landscape: Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)" by Stijn Arnoldussen which was published by Sidestone Press in 2008. That study comprises an analysis of the nature (i.
Bronze Age Metalworking in the Netherlands Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 171
ISBN: 9789088900150
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2008
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Almost fifty years ago J. J. Butler started his research to trace the possible remains of a Bronze Age metalworker's workshop in the Netherlands.
Korte Beschryvinge van eenige Vergetene en Verborgene Antiquiteten der Provintien en Landen gelegen tusschen de Noord-Zee, de Yssel, Emse en Lippe Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 390
ISBN: 9789088900051
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2008
Imprint: Sidestone Press
A facsimile reprint of a classic work on the antiquity of the Netherlands and north west Europe, originally published in 1660, now re-issued and set in context with an Introduction by Wijnand A B van der Sanden. Text in Dutch throughout.
Midden-bronstijdsamenlevingen in het zuiden van de Lage Landen Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 274
ISBN: 9789088900174
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2008
Imprint: Sidestone Press
This thesis reviews and re-assesses the Hilversum Culture of the southern Netherlands and Flanders in the second millennium BC. Completed ten years ago, but re-issued with a new introduction by the author. Text in Dutch.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9789088900167
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2008
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Beneath the surface of Aardenburg, a small town in the south-western part of the Netherlands, lie the remains of a Roman settlement that is presumed to have been named Rodanum. Extensive archaeological excavations from the late 1950s to the late 1980s revealed that the settlement was similar in size or even larger than the modern town. Its centre was formed by a large castellum-type fortification wall that enclosed several large stone buildings.
Vitreous Materials in the Late Bronze Age Aegean Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781842172612
Pub Date: 18 Nov 2008
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology
Illustrations: b/w and 8p col ills, tabs
The explosion of research in the field of ancient and historic glasses has opened up glass studies in recent years. However, our deeper understanding of the technology and provenance of Bronze Age Egyptian and Roman glasses in the Mediterranean has not been mirrored by our studies of glasses and other vitreous materials found in the Late Bronze Age Aegean. There are few studies which collate the material culture of the region and still fewer which explore the patterning of vitreous materials in the landscape.

Urban Life & Local Politics in Roman Bithynia

The Small World of Dion Chrysostomos
Format: Hardback
Pages: 211
ISBN: 9788779343504
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2008
Series: Black Sea Studies
Illustrations: b/w photos
Most studies of Roman local administration focus on the formal structures of power: provincial laws, imperial edicts, urban institutions and magistracies. This book explores the interplay of formal politics with informal factors such as social prejudice, parochialism and personal rivalries in the cities of northwestern Asia Minor from the first to the fifth centuries AD. Through a detailed analysis of the municipal speeches and career of the philosopher-politician Dion Chrysostomos, we gain new insights into the petty conflicts and lofty ambitions of an ancient provincial small-town politician and those around him.
Technology in Archaeology Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 205
ISBN: 9788776020934
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2008
Series: Studies in Archaeology & History
Illustrations: b/w photos & illus
The aim of this publication is to stress that cultural, social and cognitive aspects today are important goals and perspectives of technological studies, and that technological studies can contribute vitally to the interpretation of our prehistory. There is today a strong new trend among a young generation of archaeologists towards using the study of technology. This trend focuses on the understanding of the material process -- and sees these processes as logical responses and changes reflecting human behaviour and cognition.
Excavations by K. M. Kenyon in Jerusalem 1961-1967 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 592
ISBN: 9781842173046
Pub Date: 06 Aug 2008
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Levant Supplementary Series
The fifth volume in the series of final reports on the work of the Joint Expedition to Jerusalem in the 1960s describes the discoveries made in six sites in the ancient city and places them in the archaeological and historical context of Jerusalem and the surrounding lands. Among the most debated issues are the extent of the occupation of the city during the Iron Age, the location of the southern defence line in Herodian and Roman times, and the date of the destruction of an Umayyad palatial structure. There is fresh information on the civic amenities of the southern half of the Byzantine city, and on the structure of the Ottoman city defences built under Sulaiman the Magnificent in the sixteenth century.
RRP: £75.00
The Danebury Environs Roman Programme Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1295
ISBN: 9781905905119
Pub Date: 06 Aug 2008
Series: Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph
From 1997 to 2006 the Danebury Trust, under the direction of Barry Cunliffe, excavated seven sites on the chalk downland of eastern Hampshire to explore the rural settlement of the region in the Roman period. The project was designed to build upon our knowledge of the area following the excavation of the Iron Age hillfort of Danebury and of eight Iron Age settlements in the region. The results of the present project are published in two volumes.
RRP: £150.00
Rock Art Studies - News of the World Volume 3 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781842173169
Pub Date: 05 Aug 2008
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w illus
This is the third in the five-yearly series of surveys of what is happening in rock art studies around the world. As always, the texts reflect something of the great differences in approach and emphasis that exist in different regions. The volume presents examples from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the New World.
RRP: £65.00
Simulations, Genetics and Human Prehistory Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781902937458
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2008
Series: McDonald Institute Monographs
Data from molecular genetics have changed our views on the origin, spread and timescale of our species across this planet. But how can we reveal more detail about the demography of ancient human populations? For example, is it possible to determine when and how many people arrived at a certain continent, and which route they took from a choice of geographically plausible options?
RRP: £25.00
Escaping the Labyrinth Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781842172919
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2008
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology
Illustrations: 80 b/w illus
Beneath the Bronze Age 'Palace of Minos', Neolithic Knossos is one of the earliest known farming settlements in Europe and perhaps the longest-lived. For 3000 years, Neolithic Knossos was also perhaps one of very few settlements on Crete and, for much of this time, maintained a distinctive material culture. This volume radically enhances understanding of the important, but hitherto little known, Neolithic settlement and culture of Crete.
Saved from the Grave Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 106
ISBN: 9780954962760
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2008
Series: Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
Excavations at Spring Road Municipal Cemetery, Abingdon, Oxfordshire have revealed activity extending from the Mesolithic to the Saxon period. The most significant discovery was an arc of substantial postholes which formed part of one of very few middle Bronze timber circles known in southern Britain. The most important earlier evidence was a Beaker burial containing a copper awl which is amongst the earliest metal artefacts from Britain.
RRP: £17.50
Assyrian Stone Vessels and Related Material in the British Museum Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781842173121
Pub Date: 17 Jul 2008
Imprint: Oxbow Books
This catalogue makes available more than 600 complete or fragmentary stone vessels kept in the British Museum. Most of them were excavated at Nineveh and other major sites in northern Iraq and Syria, and are presented here for the first time. They range in date from prehistory down to the Persian and Hellenistic periods; the bulk belong in the eighth and seventh centuries, when the Near East under Assyrian rule grew increasingly cosmopolitan.