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Prehistory & Ancient History
Inside the City in the Greek World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781842173497
Pub Date: 09 Jun 2009
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: University of Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology Monographs
Illustrations: b/w illus
The publication of the papers presented in this volume marks an important step in the study of ancient cities. Despite having long been a focus of archaeological investigation and analysis, until relatively recently they have tended to be described rather than analysed. These eleven papers concentrate on analysing ancient urban centres from within, exploring some of the ways in which people lived in, perceived and modified their built environments.
From Bann Flakes to Bushmills Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781842173558
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2009
Imprint: Oxbow Books
This volume of papers is dedicated to Peter Woodman in celebration of his contribution to archaeology, providing a glimpse of the many ways in which he has touched the lives of so many. The twenty-one contributions cover many aspects of predominantly Mesolithic archaeology in Ireland, mainland Britain and North-west Europe, reflecting the range and breadth of Peters own interests and the international esteem in which his work is held. His particular interest in antiquarians and the material they collected began early in his career and Part 1 presents papers which deal with artefacts and finds by antiquarians.
The Aigina Treasure Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9780714122625
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2009
Since its arrival at the British Museum in 1891 the Aigina Treasure a group of Greek Bronze Age gold jewellery and other objects that is believed to come from the island of Aigina has been shrouded in mystery and speculation. The many uncertainties about the Treasure include its place of origin; whether all the objects are from the same findspot; and whether it should be considered as a homogenous group. Through examination of stylistic elements and comparison with objects from other collections, the contributors to this volume variously argue for the Treasures possible Minoan, Mycenaean, Near Eastern and Egyptian connections.
Mesolithic Horizons Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 980
ISBN: 9781842173114
Pub Date: 30 May 2009
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Mesolithic Horizons marks the publication of the proceedings of the seventh international conference on 'The Mesolithic in Europe' (Belfast 2005). The numbers attending these five-yearly conferences continue to grow - testimony to the growing interest in a period that less than fifty years ago was seen by many as either a 'hiatus' between two more interesting periods, or as a poorly understood phase of little consequence. This is an enormous compendium of research published in two volumes with over 140 papers drawn from the whole of Europe, ranging from the European Arctic to many parts of the Mediterranean, and from the British Isles to Russia.
RRP: £150.00
Defining a Regional Neolithic Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 138
ISBN: 9781842173336
Pub Date: 29 May 2009
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers
Illustrations: 60 b/w illus
This book is the ninth published collection of papers from a Neolithic Studies Group day conference, and it continues the Group's aim of presenting research on the Neolithic of all parts of the British Isles. The topic - regional diversity - is an important theme in Neolithic studies today, and embraces traditions of monumentality, settlement patterns and material culture. The contributors to this volume address issues of regionality through a series of case-studies that focus not on the traditional 'cores' of Wessex and Orkney, but rather on other areas - the 'Irish Sea Zone', Ireland, Scotland, Yorkshire and the Midlands.
At Empire's Edge Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 293
ISBN: 9781898249238
Pub Date: 05 May 2009
Series: British Institute at Ankara Monograph
Project Paphlagonia was a multi-period, large-scale programme of regional survey in northcentral Turkey, today the provinces of Çankiri and parts of Karabuek, previously a little explored region. In total, an area of almost 8,500km2 was surveyed between 1997 and 2001, using both extensive and intensive survey techniques. More than 330 sites of archaeological and historical significance were located and recorded.
RRP: £50.00
Meetings of Cultures Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 422
ISBN: 9788779344198
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2009
Series: Black Sea Studies
Illustrations: b/w photos & illus
Meetings of cultures arouse strong feelings. In this volume, nineteen scholars from Denmark, France, Georgia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia, and Ukraine present a profound discussion covering various topics from the physical arena of the colonial encounters, to the layout of land and protection of cities, to the dynamics of the cultural exchange, to the perception of how it was to be Greek in the Pontic realm, and finally, to be reciprocal strategies exerted by the Greeks and Scythians in the Olbia as described in Herodotos's Skythian Tale. Through the many-sided contributions it is revealed how the self and the other are two sides of the same coin - yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Hastings 1066 Cover Hastings 1066 Cover
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9782840481508
Pub Date: 21 Apr 2009
Imprint: Heimdal
Illustrations: illustrated in full colour throughout
Pages: 132
ISBN: 9782352500827
Pub Date: 19 Jul 2009
Illustrations: full colour throughout
Hastings is perhaps the most famous battle ever fought on English soil and resulted in William, Duke of Normandy, becoming King of England. Popularly known as William the Conqueror, his victory over King Harold and his forces was a pivotal turning point in English history, the influences of which are still to be seen today. The weaponry, equipment, dress, logistics and living conditions of the soldiers from both sides are covered in great detail as is the terrain and the tactics of the two armies, using illustrations from the Bayeux Tapestry and photographs of a recent re-enactment of the battle which took place on the original battlefield.
RRP: £21.00
Iron Age and Romano-British Agriculture in the North Gloucestershire Severn Vale Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9780955353437
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2009
Illustrations: 29 illus
Two reports are published in this volume: Prehistoric and Early Historic Activity, Settlement and Burial at Walton Cardiff, near Tewkesbury: Excavations at Rudgeway Lane 2004-2005 (by Jonathan Hart and E.R. McSloy), and Romano-British Agriculture at the former St James's Railway Station, Cheltenham: Excavations in 2000-2001 (by Laurent Coleman and Martin Watts).
RRP: £7.95
Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Volume 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 196
ISBN: 9780905205519
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2009
Imprint: Francis Cairns Publications
Series: ARCA, Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs
This volume constitutes a work of fundamental importance for historians of the period. Part One analyzes the background, opinions, and historiography of each of the four writers, with particular emphasis on recovering from the fragments the original structure of their works. Part Two presents an annotated conspectus, based on close study of all relevant writings, ancient and modern.
Grauballe Man Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9788700796553
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2009
Illustrations: illus
Grauballe Man was about 34 years old when he met his death. He died from a deep cut to the throat. His right shinbone was also fractured.
EAA 125: Life in the Loop Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780955654619
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2008
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 192 illus
The Biddenham Loop has been the scene of human activity from the Palaeolithic through to the present-day but the majority of the archaeological evidence spans the Neolithic to the early 4th century AD. Apart from two handaxes, probably brought up from deep within the gravel by recent quarrying, no evidence for Palaeolithic activity was recovered. Given that the Biddenham area once had a reputation as a prolific source of material of this date, its absence is explained by the developments relatively limited impact on the underlying gravel terrace.
Iron Age Households Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 167
ISBN: 9788788415513
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2008
Illustrations: b/w photos & illus
Iron Age Households - Structure & Practice in Western Denmark, 500 BC-AD 200
Neolithic to Saxon Social and Environmental Change at Mount Farm, Berinsfield, Dorchester-on-Thames, Oxfordshire Cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780904220599
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2008
Excavations at Mount Farm revealed a long sequence of activity running from the early Neolithic to the early Saxon period. The most significant finds include early Neolithic pit deposits, a middle Neolithic oval barrow associated with a primary burial and a secondary Beaker burial, a timber post-ring, an earlier Bronze Age round barrow associated with Deverel-Rimbury secondary burials, a later Bronze Age waterhole and burnt mound, extensive remains of an Iron Age settlement and a well-preserved Anglo-Saxon well. This is an innovative report which approaches the site from a thematic perspective which highlights social, economic and environmental change over the long period during which the site was occupied.
Borderlands Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780954482473
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2008
Imprint: Cambridge Archaeological Unit
Taking its inspiration from Cyril Fox's groundbreaking 1923 study of its namesake, and with its first volume issued to mark the 85th anniversary of his book, this series is dedicated to the archaeology of Cambridge's hinterland. In recent years an enormous amount of fieldwork has occured within the City's environs, to the point that it must now rank as one of the most intensively investigated landscapes in southern England. This volume reports the 2002/03 Hutchinson Site excavations beside Addenbrooke's Hospital.
Målsnes 1 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9781842173435
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2008
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Målsnes 1 is an early post-glacial site dating to c.9500 BP, amd located at the outlet of the Bardu Målselv river system in Troms county, north of the Arctic circle, in northern Norway. It was discovered in 1998 and several years of meticulous excavation followed.