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Prehistory & Ancient History
The Arts of Making in Ancient Egypt Cover The Arts of Making in Ancient Egypt Cover
Pages: 275
ISBN: 9789088905247
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 27fc/49bw
Pages: 275
ISBN: 9789088905230
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 27fc/49bw
This book provides an innovative analysis of the conditions of ancient Egyptian craftsmanship in the light of the archaeology of production, linguistic analysis, visual representation and ethnographic research. During the past decades, the “imaginative” figure of ancient Egyptian material producers has moved from “workers” to “artisans” and, most recently, to “artists”. In a search for a fuller understanding of the pragmatics of material production in past societies, and moving away from a series of modern preconceptions, this volume aims to analyse the mechanisms of material production in Egypt during the Middle Bronze Age (2000–1550 BC), to approach the profile of ancient Egyptian craftsmen through their own words, images and artefacts, and to trace possible modes of circulation of ideas among craftsmen in material production.
The Early Bronze Age Tombs of Jebel Hafit: Danish Archaeological Investigations in Abu Dhabi 1961-1971 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 245
ISBN: 9788793423046
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2018
The Early Bronze Age Tombs of Jebel Hafit presents fifty burial mounds excavated by Moesgaard Museum in 1961-1971 in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the Arabian Gulf. These excavations were the first archaeological investigations at all in this part of the world, and they throw light on the beginning of the Bronze Age on the Oman Peninsula. The graves represent a fundamental transformation of the relationship between humans and the environment in the region, preceding the emergence of oasis agriculture.
The Coffins of the Priests of Amun Cover The Coffins of the Priests of Amun Cover
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9789088904936
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 60 fc
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9789088904929
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 60 fc
Ancient Egyptian coffins provided a shell to protect the deceased both magically and physically. They guaranteed an important requirement for eternal life: an intact body. Not everybody could afford richly decorated wooden coffins.
Communities in Transition Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 656
ISBN: 9781785707209
Pub Date: 23 Jan 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w and colour
Communities in Transition brings together scholars from different countries and backgrounds united by a common interest in the transition between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age in the lands around the Aegean. Neolithic community was transformed, in some places incrementally and in others rapidly, during the 5th and 4th millennia BC into one that we would commonly associate with the Bronze Age. Many different names have been assigned to this period: Final Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Eneolithic, Late Neolithic [I]-II, Copper Age which, to some extent, reflects the diversity of archaeological evidence from varied geographical regions.
RRP: £70.00
Slave-Wives, Single Women and “Bastards” in the Ancient Greek World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781785708633
Pub Date: 17 Jan 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
Greek scholars have produced a vast body of evidence bearing on nuptial practices that has yet to be mined by a professional economist. By standing on their shoulders, the author proposes and tests radically new interpretations of three important status groups in Greek history: the pallakē, the hetaira, and the nothos. It is argued that legitimate marriage – that is ‘marriage by loan of the bride to the groom’ – was not the only form of legal marriage in classical Athens and the ancient Greek world generally.
Understanding Ancient Fortifications Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781785707483
Pub Date: 03 Jan 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
In many regions of Europe and beyond fortifications belong to the most impressive of archaeological remains. Their study has a long tradition and today a multitude of aspects about architecture, function or symbolism has been explored. However, fortifications are generally examined in a temporally, regionally or culturally limited context.
Archaeology of Touchstones Cover Archaeology of Touchstones Cover
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9789088905186
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: >50 fc
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9789088905179
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: >50 fc
Did ancient Europeans truly believe in an active after-life, as modern Europeans would like to think they did? What purpose did grave-goods actually serve? Are archaeology and the historical sciences in general able to shed, once and for all, a curse placed upon them at their inception as research disciplines in the early nineteenth century?
Amarna’s Leatherwork Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 290
ISBN: 9789088904738
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 500fc/100bw
The ancient Egyptian city of Tell el-Amarna (or Amarna, ancient Akhetaten) was the short-lived capital built by the controversial Pharaoh Akhenaten, probably the father of the famous Tutankhamun, and abandoned shortly after his death (c. 1336 BCE). It is one of the few Pharaonic cities to have been thoroughly excavated and is a rich source of information about the daily life of the ancient Egyptians.
Catalogue of the Footwear in the Coptic Museum (Cairo) Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9789088904714
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 395fc/141bw
This catalogue presents the ancient Egyptian footwear in the collection of the Coptic Museum in Cairo. The catalogue contains detailed descriptions and measurements, photographs and drawings. Each description of a footwear category is followed by short discussions, addressing topics such as typology and dating.
Chasing Chariots Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 270
ISBN: 9789088904691
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 89fc/126bw
The present work is the result of the First International Chariot Conference, jointly organised by the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) and the American University in Cairo (AUC) (30 November to 2 December 2012). The intention of the conference was to make a broad assessment of the current state of knowledge about chariots in Egypt and the Near East, and to provide a forum for discussion. A wide variety of papers are included, ranging from overviews to more detailed studies focusing on a specific topic.
Fragmenting the Chieftain Cover Fragmenting the Chieftain Cover
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9789088905124
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 39fc / 39 bw
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9789088905117
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 39fc / 39 bw
There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800–500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these objects are found brought together in varying configurations in cremation burials generally known as chieftains’ graves or princely burials. In terms of grave goods they resemble the Fürstengräber of the Hallstatt Culture of Central Europe, with famous Dutch and Belgian examples being the Chieftain’s grave of Oss, the wagon-grave of Wijchen and the elite cemetery of Court-St-Etienne.
Fragmenting the Chieftain – Catalogue Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 330
ISBN: 9789088905148
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 126fc / 37 bw
There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800–500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these objects are found brought together in varying configurations in cremation burials generally known as chieftains’ graves or princely burials. In terms of grave goods they resemble the Fürstengräber of the Hallstatt Culture of Central Europe, with famous Dutch and Belgian examples being the Chieftain’s grave of Oss, the wagon-grave of Wijchen and the elite cemetery of Court-St-Etienne.
Fragmenting the Chieftain – Catalogue Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 330
ISBN: 9789088905155
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 126fc / 37 bw
There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800–500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these objects are found brought together in varying configurations in cremation burials generally known as chieftains’ graves or princely burials. In terms of grave goods they resemble the Fürstengräber of the Hallstatt Culture of Central Europe, with famous Dutch and Belgian examples being the Chieftain’s grave of Oss, the wagon-grave of Wijchen and the elite cemetery of Court-St-Etienne.
Tutankhamun’s Footwear Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9789088904745
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 286fc/105bw
The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of all time. It took Carter and his team 10 years to clear the contents of the tomb and among the objects found was a large collection of shoes and sandals. The footwear is analysed here in detail for the first time since the discovery using Carter’s records and Harry Burton’s excellent photographs along with the author’s analyses of the objects, all of which are housed in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo and the Luxor Museum.
Strategies of Remembering in Greece Under Rome (100 BC - 100 AD) Cover Strategies of Remembering in Greece Under Rome (100 BC - 100 AD) Cover
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9789088904813
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens
Illustrations: 18fc/45bw
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9789088904806
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2017
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens
Illustrations: 18fc/45bw
At the beginning of the first century BC Athens was an independent city bound to Rome through a friendship alliance. By the end of the first century AD the city had been incorporated into the Roman province of Achaea. Along with Athenian independence perished the notion of Greek self-rule.
The Statues of Raneferef and the Royal Sculpture of the Fifth Dynasty Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 259
ISBN: 9788073087456
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2017
Series: Abusir Monographs
Illustrations: 107
Czech archaeological team discovered in the mortuary temple of Raneferef in Abusir in the 1980s fragments of about a dozen of the statues of the king, including his six complete likenesses. The monograph presents a detailed description and discussion of Raneferef’s statues in the broader context of the royal sculpture of the Fifth Dynasty.