Prehistory & Ancient History  /  Prehistory
Sacrificial Landscapes Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 393
ISBN: 9789073368194
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2002
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia
Illustrations: b/w illus, tbs (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 33/34 , Faculty of Archaeology, University of Leiden 2002)
One of the most puzzling phenomena of the European Bronze Age, is that many communities buried or otherwise hid large numbers of valuable bronze objects, but never returned to retrieve them. This book focuses on the metal finds of one small European region, the southern Netherlands and the adjacent part of North Belgium. Fontijn considers the question of why so many elaborate bronze objects have been found in watery locations in this landscape, such as rivers, streams, and marshes, while so few have been found in the controlled excavations of local settlements and cemeteries.
The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'akov, Israel Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 137
ISBN: 9781842170724
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2002
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Gesher Benot YaÆaqov Monograph Series
Illustrations: 27 b/w figs 37 photos, 21 pls, 21 tbs
Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, located in the Dead Sea Rift valley, is one of the oldest non-African sites to have yielded evidence for the activities of groups of hominin hunter-gatherers. The excavations recovered thousands of Acheulian period stone tools and animal bones that had accumulated in and around an ancient lake about 780, 000 years ago. The deposits have remained waterlogged virtually ever since, and this unusual circumstance resulted in the preservation of plant macrofossils, including pieces of wood and bark that can be identified to the level of individual plant species.
EAA 97: Monument 97; Orton Longueville, Cambridgeshire Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 89
ISBN: 9780952810513
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2001
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 13 b/w pls, 43 b/w figs, tbs
Identified from cropmarks and excavated in 1974, the site consisted of three enclosures belonging to a small farmstead lasting from at least the later 1st century BC to the middle of the 2nd century AD. The evidence of the houses is that the site had been inhabited by a single family group at all times and had developed in tandem with the growing complexity of landscape division, and almost certainly was closed down in favour of another site nearby. After it was abandoned, its earthworks were incorporated into the Roman field system and, eventually, the corner of an enclosure was used for a small cemetery of nine burials
RRP: £10.50
A Very Remote Period Indeed Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781842170564
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2001
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w illus and figs throughout
This is a volume no Palaeolithic archaeologist should be without. It is offered to Derek Roe by his friends and colleagues as a tribute to his enthusiasm, support and encouragement over many years. The twenty-seven papers range from Africa to the Near East and beyond, to Kazakhstan and Korea, and across southern Europe to Britain, the Thames Valley, East Anglia and Pontnewydd.
Excavations at 25 Cannon Street, City of London Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 73
ISBN: 9781901992229
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2001
Series: MoLAS Archaeology Studies Series
Illustrations: 51 b/w illus
This report provides a chronological account of excavation findings at 25 Cannon Street, supported by many illustrations and specialist contributions. The dig revealed a long sequence of occupation, and adds to findings made on the site in 1954. Redeposited pottery provided rare evidence for Middle Bronze Age activity in the area of the City of London.
RRP: £7.95
EAA 91: Excavations on the Norwich Southern Bypass, 1989-91, Part 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 253
ISBN: 9780905594293
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2000
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 181 b/w figs, 53 b/w pls
The first part of the final synthesis of excavations which took place in advance of the southern bypass in Norwich. The report focuses on six main excavations as well as providing details on the context and history of the project, the research aims and methodology. The evidence recovered ranges from the Mesolithic through to the Late Anglo-Saxon, Medieval and modern periods and includes sites at Bixley, Harford Farm at Caistor St Edmund, Valley Belt in Trowse, Markshall Borrow Pit, Frettenham Lime Co.
RRP: £27.50
Fruehes Kupfer im Norden Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 358
ISBN: 9788788415056
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2000
Series: Jutland Archaeological Society
Illustrations: 32 tbs, many illus
The first comprehensive study of the use of copper in the northernmost TRB cultures of Scandinavia. One hundred years of intensive research has been collated in this book which includes a typology of material finds, especially metal artefacts, details on chronology and of the relationships with TRB cultures of Central Europe. Text in German.
Katalog der Felsbilder aus der techechoslowakischen Konzession in Nubien Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 158
ISBN: 9788071848301
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Illustrations: Plates:250p
This volume presents over 1000 reliefs and 39 paintings recorded by Czech archaeologists as part of the UNESCO project to salvage antiquities threatened by the rising waters of damming projects. Ranging from 4000 to 1000 years old the artworks constitute important source materials for our understanding of Egyptian-Nubian relations over a long period of time. The position, characteristics and bibliographic references are presented for each site, while each is also illustrated by excellent crisp line drawings.
RRP: £75.00
Legacy on the Rocks Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 132
ISBN: 9781842170106
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 16p col pls, 144 b/w figs
The Matopo Hills, an area of rugged and majestic hills in Zimbabwe, contain a staggering number of prehistoric rock paintings. Eighteen years of fieldwork in this area has produced a stunning collection of rock art images, many previously unpublished and probably unique to the Matopo region. These rock paintings are a unique record of hunter-gatherer society and provide insights into the relationship between hunter-gatherers and immigrant pastoralists, evidence that is generally lacking in the archaeology of the area.
Lower and Middle Palaeolithic artefacts from deposits mapped as clay-with-flints Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9781842170052
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w figs, tbs
`Clay-with-flints' refers to deposits lying on the hilltops and plateaux of the Chalk Downlands of southern England. This study is based on the archaeology, geology and sedimentology of these deposits and forms a comprehensive review of the Palaeolithic stone tools found embedded within them. Evidence relating to the author's excavations at the Lower Palaeolithic site of Wood Hill in East Kent (1993-1994) provides the foundation for her discussion of these clay-with-flint deposits and the earliest occupation of southern England.
RRP: £30.00
Plants in Neolithic Britain and Beyond Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9781842170274
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers
Illustrations: b/w figs
Plant-centred issues are fundamental in the definitions and explanations of the Neolithic as a phenomenon.The meeting of the Neolithic Studies Group from which this volume developed aimed to provide a forum for the wide range of approaches now applied to Neolithic archaeobotany at site and landscape scales of resolution.
Prehistoric houses at Sumburgh in Shetland Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 138
ISBN: 9781842170038
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2000
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: drawings and pls
Excavations at Sumburgh Airport in the 1960s and 70s discovered stone-built houses of the later Bronze Age and the early Iron Age. This report describes the results of the excavations (stone walls, paved areas, hearths, cubicles) and of the analysis of the stratigraphy and the position of the artefacts. It shows how one house was added to the other, and how both were then substantially modified.
EAA 88: Excavations of an Iron Age Settlement and Roman Religious Complex at Ivy Chimneys, Witham, Essex 1978-83 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 283
ISBN: 9781852811624
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1999
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 27 pls, 158 b/w figs, tbs
The site at Ivy Chimneys, Witham, appears to have been occupied continuously throughout the Iron Age, and remained in use until the end of the Roman period. Most traces of domestic Iron Age structures were removed by ploughing, but the surviving ditches seem to indicate more than a simple farmstead. Very large, probably defensive, ditches of late Iron Age date may imply that the settlement at Ivy Chimneys was a focus of activity at that time, and a small amount of circumstantial evidence hints at a religious use for part of the site.
EAA 90: The Archaeology of Ardleigh, Essex Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 195
ISBN: 9781852811648
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1999
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 30 pls, 114 b/w figs, tbs
When mechanical ploughing was introduced on Felix Eriths farm in the 1950s, fragments of Bronze Age pottery were brought to the surface. Wherever this occurred, Erith excavated, and in 1960 he published an account of his discoveries which clearly established the importance of the Ardleigh cemetery. The pottery, with its flamboyant decoration, became the classic Deverel-Rimbury ceramic of southern East Anglia.
Dating and the Earliest Known Rock Art Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9781900188654
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1999
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: with 18 b/w plates
While significant advances have been made in direct dating French and Spanish rock art, direct dates obtained by AMS for the New World are extremely scarce and existing stylistic hronologies cannot be trusted. These papers from the International Rock Art Congress held in Bolivia in 1997 focus in the dating problem. They also reflect discussion of the earliest art in the light of recent research and as seen from a world palaeo-art perspective.
Experiment and Design Cover
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9781900188760
Pub Date: 01 Dec 1999
Imprint: Oxbow Books
These essays, in honour of John Coles, reflect his interests in experimental archaeology and in the exploration of wetland sites. Contents include: Palaeolithic Archaeology: Radiocarbon dating and the origins of anatomically modern populations in Europe ( P Mellars ); The Chauvet cave dates ( J Clottes ); The archaeology of Scotland: The Hidden landscape: the Neolithic of Tayside ( G J Barclay ); The stony limits - rock carvings in passage graves and in the open air ( R Bradley ); Evidence, North and South, in the earlier Neolithic ( R J Mercer ); The birth of the Scottish Bronze Age ( J N Graham Ritchie ); Drinking, driving, death and display: Scottish Bronze Age artefacts since Coles ( A Sheridan ). Bronze Age archaeology: Bronze Age landscapess in Southern Europe ( G Barker ); From Skåne to Scotstown: some notes on amber in Bronze Age Ireland ( G Eogan ); Swords, shields and scholars: Bronze Age warfare, past and present ( A Harding ); Gold reflections ( J J Taylor ); Rise and fall: the deposition of Bronze Age weapons in the Thames valley and the Fenland ( R Thomas ); Bronze Age settlement in south Scandinavia - territorality and organisation ( H Thrane ); Experimental Archaeology: Getting to grips with music's prehistory: experimental approaches to function, design and operational wear in excavated musical instruments ( G Lawson ); Experimental ship archaeology in Denmark ( O Crumli-Pedersen ); Wood-tar and pitch experiments at Biskupin Museum ( W Piotrowski ); The nature of experiment in archaeology ( P J Reynolds ).