Prehistory & Ancient History  /  Prehistory
Les fouilles du Yaudet en Ploulec'h, Cotes-d'Armor, volume 2 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 390
ISBN: 9780954962708
Pub Date: 02 Feb 2006
Series: Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 267 b/w illus
Le Yaudet (in Brittany, France) is a promontory of granite commanding the estuary of the river Léguer down-river from the modern town of Lannion (Côtes d'Armor). It has long been known as the 'Old Town' ( Civitas vetus in Latin documents and Coz Yaudet in Breton) and Iron Age, Roman and medieval finds have been made from time to time over the last two centuries. A programme of research excavations began in 1991 and continued annually until 2002.
RRP: £75.00
Çatalhöyuk Perspectives Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 246
ISBN: 9781902937298
Pub Date: 18 Jan 2006
Series: McDonald Institute Monographs
This volume, number six in the Çatalhöyuek Research Project series, draws on material from Volumes 3 to 5 to deal with broad themes. Data from architecture and excavation contexts are linked into broader discussion of topics such as seasonality, art and social memory. Rather than assuming that the work of the project is finished once the basic excavation and laboratory results have been presented in Volumes 3 to 5, it has been thought important to present more synthetic accounts that result from the high degree of integration and collaboration which the project has strived for at all stages.
RRP: £39.00
EAA 109: Archaeology and Environment of the Etton Landscape Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 205
ISBN: 9780952061625
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: some b/w illus
A long-term, low-cost rescue project was undertaken in response to gravel quarrying at Maxey between 1983 and 1990. Throughout, the archaeological focus was the more or less concurrent excavation taking place at the Etton causewayed enclosure, a site which was effectively a central point within this part of the lower Welland valley. The Etton Landscape consists of the relict river systems, former floodplain and lowermost parts of the Welland First Terrace gravels between the modern villages of Maxey, Etton and Northborough.
Explorations in Albania, 1930-39 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 222
ISBN: 9780904887488
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2005
Series: BSA Supplementary Volume
Illustrations: b/w figs and pks
In 1999 a collection of documents were found in the archives of the Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology belonging to Luigi Cardini, one of the founders of the Institute. These documents included site notebooks, photographs, drawings and maps relating to work carried out in Albania from 1930-39 where he was sent on a governmental mission to `reinforce Italian supremacy in Albania through archaeological research'. This monograph publishes extracts from these notebooks within a historical, political and archaeological context.
RRP: £56.00
Segsbury Camp Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 158
ISBN: 9780947816681
Pub Date: 10 Oct 2005
Series: Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph
This volume describes the two seasons of excavation at Segsbury Camp which form a part of Oxford University's Hillforts of the Ridgeway Project . It contains background material and a series of interpretations of the site at different scales finishing with a discussion of the Lambourn Downs landscape in later prehistoric and Romano-British times. The evidence suggests that the large hillfort of Segsbury was used during the period 6th to 2nd century BC but was not densely and permanently occupied.
RRP: £35.00
Mesolithic Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781842172001
Pub Date: 05 Aug 2005
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 86 b/w illus and pls
The term 'Mesolithic' was born in the nineteenth century from the need to label a 'hiatus' period and was not generally accepted as a useful term by many scholars until around fifty years later. It has been championed by some, but still concerns others because of the difficulty of defining what it represents. This volume highlights the enthusiasm for Mesolithic studies in the 21st century and the feeling that there is a need to explore the many facets of Mesolithic lifeways.
Gravelly Guy Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 520
ISBN: 9780947816667
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2005
Series: Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
Illustrations: 179 b/w illus, 31 ls
Excavations conducted between 1981 and 1986 in advance of gravel extraction in Gravelly Guy field, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, revealed archaeological evidence spanning from the Neolithic through to the Saxon period. Neolithic and early Bronze Age activity is represented by pit scatters and a series of ring ditches with associated burials. The Iron Age and early Roman periods witnessed the continuous development of a linear settlement, consisting of a dense area of pits, gullies, circular structures, four-posters and boundary ditches in the mid to late Iron Age phase and a series of rectilinear enclosures and unusual 'ramped hollows' and wells in the late Iron Age/early Roman period.
RRP: £34.95
Smakkerup Huse Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9788772889597
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2005
Illustrations: illus
Traditionally, the Mesolithic has been regarded a time of cultural regression in northern Europe, relieved only around 4000 BCE when the enlightened villagers of the Neolithic arrived on the scene, bringing with them the beginnings of agriculture. But new evidence in the last 30 years has led archaeologists to think of the early postglacial foragers that lived in the Mesolithic as complex, sedentary coastal dwellers who made the era a time of innovation, interaction and successful adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. The excavations at Smakkerup Huse help to flesh out this revised portrait.
Transport Amphorae & Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9788779341180
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2005
As Peacock and Williams have noted, amphorae provide us "not with an index of the transportation of goods, but with direct witness of the movement of certain foodstuffs which were of considerable economic importance ..
Set in stone Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781842171431
Pub Date: 11 Mar 2005
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w illus
As its title might suggest, this volume sets out to present a new view of Scotland's Neolithic as seen via its monumental structures. The papers brought together here came out of a research day at Cardiff University's School of History and Archaeology in January 2002 and cover a diverse number of topics. They raise questions of ancestry and worldview, and highlight the amount that can be done in examining the settings of monuments.

Etruscan Treasures from the Cini-Alliata Collection

Format: Paperback
Pages: 191
ISBN: 9788888540016
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2004
Imprint: Brecourt Academic
Illustrations: many colour illus.
This catalogue presents 225 pieces of jewellery, predominantly Etruscan, but also including some Classical Greek and Roman artefacts. Objects include hairpins, hair ornaments, wreaths and diadems, earrings, necklaces, pendants, fibulae, bracelets, rings and gems, whilst appendices detail production techniques and materials.
RRP: £25.00
Hot Rocks in the Norfolk Fens Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 62
ISBN: 9780905594408
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2004
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Paper
Illustrations: 28 b/w figs
This paper reports on the excavation of a Bronze Age burnt mound discovered in a woodland clearing in the Fens. A number of waterlogged features were also found in association with it, including a pit containing wooden planks and Beaker pottery. Much of the paper focuses on the finds and environmental remains with specialist reports on the worked flint, pottery, faunal remains, plant remains, molluscs, soil and the tight sequence of radiocarbon dates.
RRP: £11.00
Lines in the Sand Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 67
ISBN: 9780951433447
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2004
Series: East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Paper
Illustrations: 31 b/w figs
Excavations in 1999 at Brandon in Suffolk uncovered the remains of a sequence of middle to late Bronze Age enclosure ditches associated with a number of post-built structures, pits, hearths and three unurned cremations. Some late Neolithic activity was also detected. Of particular interest were an unusual Bronze Age square-ditched enclosure and evidence of `activity surfaces'.
RRP: £11.50
Human Paleoecology in the Levantine Corridor Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 238
ISBN: 9781842171554
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2004
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 62 b/w illus, 17 tabs
Few areas of the world have played as prominent a role in human evolution as the Levantine Corridor, a comparatively narrow strip of land sandwiched between the Mediterranean Sea on the west and the expanse of inhospitable desert to the east. The first hominids to leave Africa, over 1.5 million years ago, first entered the Levant before spreading into what is now Europe and Asia.
Jade Und Kupfe Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 436
ISBN: 9788788415261
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2004
Illustrations: illus
Text in German. The purpose of the present work is to combine the advantages of the various research traditions and at the same time to avoid the respective disadvantages. An attempt will be made to interpret the existing archaeological facts with reference to cultural development in large parts of Europe.
From megaliths to metals Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9781842171516
Pub Date: 14 Sep 2004
Imprint: Oxbow Books
A truly multi-disciplinary book allowing the reader to gain insights into an exceptionally diverse set of topics such as hunting, burial, sword-production and rock art, from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages.