University Press of Kentucky
University Press of Kentucky has a dual mission—the publication of academic books of high scholarly merit in a variety of fields and the publication of significant books about the history and culture of Kentucky, the Ohio Valley region, the Upper South, and Appalachia. The Press is the statewide nonprofit scholarly publisher for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, serving all Kentucky state-sponsored institutions of higher learning as well as seven private colleges and Kentucky’s two major historical societies.
Dear Alben Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9780813192895
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2009
Series: Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf
Illustrations: 8 b&w photos
Alben Barkley's final words before he was struck down by a heart attack summed up his long, eventful life: "I have served my country and my people for half a century as a Democrat. I went to the House of Representatives in 1913 and served fourteen years. I was a junior Congressman, then I became a senior Congressman, then I went to the Senate and became a junior Senator, and then I became a senior Senator; and then a Majority Leader in the Senate, and then Vice President of the United States, and now I am back again as a junior Senator.
Divided Counsel Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780813192925
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2009
Illustrations: illus
In the long controversy over the failure of the United States to extend early recognition to the People's Republic of China, the story of American efforts to maintain an official presence in the Communist-controlled areas of China until 1950 has been largely neglected. Moreover, the often bitter partisan strife over Sino-American relations during this period has obscured important facts or so distorted them that making an independent judgment is difficult indeed. In this book, Edwin Martin seeks to set the confused record straight by providing a well-documented, detailed account of American responses to the policies and actions of the victorious Chinese Communists from their capture of Mukden in November 1948 to their intervention in the Korean War and rejection of U.
Kentucky Fighting Men Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9780813193144
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2009
Series: Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf
Kentuckians by the thousands have fought in all of the American wars of the industrial age. Fathers, sons, and brothers from the Bluegrass State spilled each other's blood in countless Civil War battles and skirmishes. Over the next century their descendants bore arms on the seven seas, the Far Western frontier, in the Caribbean and Philippine islands, and in China.
Luke Pryor Blackburn Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 138
ISBN: 9780813193205
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2009
Series: Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf
Illustrations: 6 b&w photos, 1 line drawing
Deadly epidemics of yellow fever and Asiatic cholera plagued the South throughout the nineteenth century, yet doctors had few effective weapons against the diseases. Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Kentucky-born physician, worked with more success than most to save the lives of those who were stricken and to prevent the spread of infection. He aided towns throughout Kentucky and the Deep South where resident doctors had fled or had fallen ill themselves.
Visions of the American West Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780813101972
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Illustrations: 4 maps, 11 line drawings
Countless studies of the American West have been written from the viewpoint of history, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. But the West has seldom been written about with the reflective pen of a philosopher.Offering more than a fresh retelling, in thoroughly human terms, of the major historical events of the nineteenth-century West, Gerald Kreyche also leads the reader in a search for the spirit of the West itself.
The Big Sandy Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9780813192727
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Series: Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf
Illustrations: 8 b&w photos, 1 map
The Big Sandy River and its two main tributaries, the Tug and Levisa forks, drain nearly two million mountainous acres in the easternmost part of Kentucky. For generations, the only practical means of transportation and contact with the outside world was the river, and, as The Big Sandy demonstrates, steamboats did much to shape the culture of the region. Carol Crowe-Carraco offers an intriguing and readable account of this region's history from the days of the venturesome Long Hunters of the eighteenth century, through the bitter struggles of the Civil War and its aftermath, up to the 1970s, with their uncertain promise of a new prosperity.
John Wesley Hunt Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 122
ISBN: 9780813193120
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Series: Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf
Illustrations: 4 illustrations, 2 tables
When John Wesley Hunt came to Kentucky in 1794, his plan was to open a general store in Lexington. A canny judge of business opportunity, he soon expanded his activities and became one of the responsible figures of Kentucky banking and finance. In another kind of venture, he imported fine stallions from the East, significantly improving the bloodlines of thoroughbreds and trotters in the Bluegrass.
Graham Greene Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 306
ISBN: 9780813101149
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
This collection of fourteen essays by American and English scholars -- many of them hitherto unpublished and all of them selected with a view to avoiding the duplication of essays already familiar and available -- offers new testimony of the range and accomplishments of Graham Greene's talent. The essays vary from considerations of general topics to critical analyses of single novels, from a discussion of Greene as a writer of Christian tragedy to a witty, irreverent assessment of The Power and the Glory. The authors here are chiefly concerned with the novels, though frequent allusions reveal something of the nature and importance of the "entertainments" and the travel books.

Janice Holt Giles

A Writer's Life
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780813193113
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Illustrations: illus
In 1946, at the age of 41, Janice Holt Giles wrote her first novel. Although it took her only three months to complete the first draft, working at night so as not to conflict with her secretarial job, it was another four years before The Enduring Hills was published. Three years later, when her sixth novel appeared, Janice Holt Giles's works had accumulated sales of nearly two million copies.
From My Old Kentucky Home to the White House Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780813192987
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Illustrations: illus
This lively memoir recounts the story of a determined woman who led a remarkable life in the highest circles of power in both state and national politics. Catherine Conner spent her formative years on a farm named "Solitude," located outside of Bardstown. Her father, who taught her early to ride and swim, told the young woman, "I can't teach you how to be a lady, but I can teach you how to behave like a gentleman.
Diary of a Disaster Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780813192918
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Illustrations: 31 b&w photos
On October 28, 1940, the Italian army under Benito Mussolini invaded Greece. The British had insisted on guaranteeing Greek and Turkish neutrality, despite the fact that Greece was never more than a limited campaign in an unlimited war as far as they were concerned. The British, however, were never quite sure that Greece was not their last foothold in Europe, and they harbored dreams of holding on to this last bastion of civilization and of protecting it with a diplomatic and military alliance -- a Balkan bloc.
David Wendel Yandell Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 134
ISBN: 9780813192888
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Series: Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf
Illustrations: 1 b&w photo, 1 illustration, 1 map, 4 line drawings
David Wendel Yandell was the most distinguished physician of a family noted for its contributions to the medical profession over a period of generations. Like his father before him, Yandell taught for many years at the Medical Department of the University of Louisville.His years as a Confederate surgeon impressed upon him the horrifying consequences of the inadequate preparation of most physicians.
Crusaders Against Opium Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780813192857
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Illustrations: 3 b&w photos, 2 maps, 3 line drawings
Opium addiction in China during the closing decades of the Ch'ing dynasty afflicted all segments of society. From government officials to farmers, the population fell prey to the effects of the drug. Some provinces reported addiction rates as high as eighty percent.
Black Coal Miners in America Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780813192741
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Illustrations: 15 b&w photos, 2 figures, 3 tables
From the early day of mining in colonial Virginia and Maryland up to the time of World War II, blacks were an important part of the labor force in the coal industry. Yet in this, as in other enterprises, their role has heretofore been largely ignored. Now Roland L.
Freedom at Risk Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9780813192970
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2009
Kidnapping was perhaps the greatest fear of free blacks in pre-Civil War America. Though they may have descended from generations of free-born people or worked to purchase their freedom, free blacks were not able to enjoy the privileges and opportunities of white Americans. They lived with the constant threat of kidnapping and enslavement, against which they had little recourse.
Wendell Berry and Religion Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780813125558
Pub Date: 09 Nov 2009
Series: Culture of the Land
Illustrations: 0
Farmer, poet, essayist, and environmental writer Wendell Berry is acclaimed for his ideas regarding the values inherent in an agricultural society. Place, community, good work, and simple pleasures are but a few of the values that form the bedrock of Berry's thought. While the notion of reverence is central to Berry, he is not widely known as a religious writer.