Mimesis International

Mimesis International was launched at the end of 2013 on the initiative of Mimesis Group, which includes Éditions Mimésis and Mimesis Edizioni. With a catalogue of 4,000 book titles, Mimesis Edizioni is one of the leading Italian publishing houses in the humanities. Their support for free thinking led them to open towards different and merging research fields in the human sciences while maintaining a keen interest in philosophy. As an academic publishing company, they work in synergy and close collaboration with several European universities and cultural centres. In this European and cosmopolitan spirit, they publish their texts in English and, as in the case of scientific journals, they also feature multilingual contributions.

Chiasmi International no.21 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 412
ISBN: 9788869772726
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2021
Trilingual publication concerning Merleau-Ponty's thought. This issue includes an excerpt from the unpublished course on the problem of speech and the philosopher's theories on literature and literary language.
Resounding Spaces Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9788869773020
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
This book is the result of an international conference that took place in Rome on September 13th-14th 2019, entitled “Resounding Spaces: Music and Atmospheres”. The main topic was the relationship between music(s) and concepts like resonance, atmosphere, and mood. Talking about “music(s)” and not “music” (in singular) is a necessity because of the academic backgrounds of the authors: philosophers, musicologists, ethnomusicologists, aestheticians of music, composers, etc.
Women and Peace Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9788869773013
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
This book reports not only a didactic experience but also research, offering a training model on peace mediation. The female protagonists of this research experience the role of trainers of other compatriots through a new didactic model. Compared to other books, the volume proposes for the first time a reflection of research - action on the themes of peace, security of the female gender.
The Tenth Circle Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9788869772979
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
Accompanied by Virgil, Dante visited all nine circles, where the irredeemable wicked are punished for eternity; but in the belly of that appalling place he found no trace of the disabled. And yet, at that time, they were considered bearers of the maximum sin, the physical and mental non-conformity to the paradigm of the human species, as to say to the image of God. The tenth circle is that piece of hell that must be sought on earth.
The Aesthetics of Experience Design Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9788869772986
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
Series: Aesthetics
What is the imagination’s role in human cognition and culture? This book explores the hypothesis that such role is larger than we commonly think: imagination is the key to understand many important domains of our lives – including religion, superstition, and ideology – that are often taken to be the province of belief alone. Combining traditional methods of philosophical inquiry with relevant findings from cognitive and social sciences, the author seeks to provide solid empirical support for that hypothesis, on the one hand, and to explore its important theoretical and practical implications, on the other.
Clockwork Enemy Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9788869772696
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
Series: Politics
The relationship among neo-nationalisms, populisms and racisms has long existed in the political landscape of western societies and, today, it is a key issue to understand current affairs and the popularity of racist, anti-Semite and Islamophobic positions. This book provides a lucid and accurate analysis of European and American social contexts, including United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and United States, where the socio-political debate is dominated by neo-nationalist instances.
Psychoanalytical notes on the origin of money Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9788869772801
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
In the ancient world, many units of measurement were based, approximately, on some parts of the human body: arm, cubit, span, inch, foot; or on their functions: pace, half hour, league… I wondered if there might be some parts of the body, which weighed 4.25g: in other words, half a siqlum or half a giĝ. And I identified, albeit with wide variations, these parts in the foreskin which Abraham/Hammurabi cuts off as a symbol of a new faith, reviving - I cannot say how consciously - an ancient, now forgotten tradition which stands at the base of that antique unit of measurement with an abstract value and the form of a Ring to be worn as a bracelet or anklet on or in one’s own body (eg.
Moving Pictures, Living Machines Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 270
ISBN: 9788869772764
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
History of Cinema Without Names is an editorial project which gathers research papers presented at Gorizia Conference, Italy. It promotes a new research perspective on the notions of film authorship, style, and genre, with the aim of re-articulating their theoretical definition.
Freedom in the Nets Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9788869773150
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
Osvalds Zebris’ stories capture those moments of existence visible only to the most attentive observer, laying particular attention on language and an idiosyncratic vision of the world. His characters seem bound to an irrevocable desinty, even if all of them are given a choice in the end, the freedom to decide their own lives. The stories are brought together by the enigmatic, ephemeral, recurring character of Mihails, who connects the dots of freedom between each of them.
Biopolitics for Beginners Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9788869771781
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2020
Series: Philosophy
Michel Foucault claimed that the term biopolitics can be fully understood only within the context of modern forms of governing society. From this perspective, the development of modern medical knowledge, the re-organization of the hospital as a health institution, the growing attention to issues related to birth and population, and the rise of biological racism can be attributed to the influence of economic rationality on the most influential political strategies. In this book, Marzocca further explores the crucial role that the family structure has played throughout the history of biopolitics, explaining how family is firstly a place of government of life as well as a means to extend various forms of biopower to the whole society.
Choose Decide Change Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 76
ISBN: 9788869772863
Pub Date: 27 Dec 2020
Choosing, deciding and changing constitute the common thread of everything that we want and that we do. The deep transformation of all social system, in all its dimensions has profoundly resented of the diverse possibility or in other respects, of the absence of possibility, precisely of choosing, deciding and changing. What are we really choosing today?
In-security Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9788869772856
Pub Date: 20 Dec 2020
The middle - globality is the time of the “not occurring”. The uncertainty of not existing, in all its – individual, social, institutional and economical – manifestations dizzily transforms the social system, destroying it in the immediacy of here and now, contributing then to generate words, images and gestures that are expressed very often in violence and uncertainty. A violence above all, of “system”, of complex definition and solution.
Future Humanism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9788869772849
Pub Date: 13 Dec 2020
The theme of this pamphlet is the knowledge, reread in its own origins and in the transformations of the middle-global world where the deep meaning appears lost in the conscious awareness. The risks, fears and conflicts that cross the society, especially in its own virtual dimension, seem to affect the sense and memory of the humanistic culture, as conscious relationship between knowledge and reality and then, make us forget the meaning of freedom as common value. Annamaria Rufino with this pamphlet “throws a stone into a pond, not only for the contemporary melancholy but also for the conventional praise of the only communication, individualization and liberation, of the there is no alternative…”.
Design is Power Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 290
ISBN: 9788869773006
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2020
Nowadays we are used to think of design in terms of quality and beauty of the tangible or intangible artefacts that are generated by an industrialised system. Considering objects, graphic representations, interfaces or services, the main difference between craftsmanship and design stays in the replicability and scalability of the proposed solution measured against an existent market and its hierarchical dynamics. This implies an order that on the surface seems to be naturally stirred by the so-called “taste”, or a series of trends that reflect the preferences of the overall public: however, looking closer, all the design production involves a carefully controlled balance driven by economical, political and social interests.
Empire and Communities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9788869772825
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2020
The reduction of the shares of internal sovereignty, the emergence of transnational or international authorities, the overcoming financial systems’ power, underline the inadequacy of governments based on the obsolete dimension of “nation”. Hence the lack of power to determine the future of all people, in particular the Communities forgotten or disregarded because considered minorities for the nation. The imperial rule might guarantee in the future the equal people’s dignity, providing that it represents the fusion of earthly and sacred characters with which it was endowed during its splendour in the Middle Age.
The Imaginative Mind Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9788869772993
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2020
What is the imagination’s role in human cognition and culture? This book explores the hypothesis that such role is larger than we commonly think: imagination is the key to understand many important domains of our lives – including religion, superstition, and ideology – that are often taken to be the province of belief alone. Combining traditional methods of philosophical inquiry with relevant findings from cognitive and social sciences, the author seeks to provide solid empirical support for that hypothesis, on the one hand, and to explore its important theoretical and practical implications, on the other.