Military History  /  World War II
From the Realm of a Dying Sun. Volume 3 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781612009568
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2021
Illustrations: 50 photographs, maps
In the closing months of World War II, with Budapest’s fall on 12 February 1945 and the breakout attempt by the IX SS-Gebirgskorps having failed, the only thing the IV. SS-Panzerkorps could do was fall back to a more defensible line and fortify the key city of Stuhlweissenburg. Exhausted after three relief attempts in January 1945 and outnumbered by the ever-increasing power of Marshal Tolbukhin’s Third Ukrainian Front, SS-Obergruppenführer Gille’s veterans dug in for a lengthy period of defensive warfare.
German Mountain Troops 1942-45 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781612009469
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2021
Illustrations: 150 photographs and illustrations
When World War II began, the Wehrmacht had fifteen mountain divisions and a multitude of small units, including some Austrian units that had been incorporated into the German army after the Anschluss. These mountain units would operate in hostile environments on all fronts during World War II. Due to their training, equipment and adaptability, the Gebirgstruppen would be deployed to fight in almost every theater.
The Fighting 30th Division Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9781612009780
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2021
In World War I the 30th Infantry Division earned more Medals of Honor than any other American division. In World War II it spent more consecutive days in combat than almost any other outfit. Recruited mainly from the Carolinas and George and Tennessee, they were one of the hardest-fighting units the U.
First In Last Out Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781612009629
Pub Date: 05 Apr 2021
Illustrations: B/w diagrams
The official document Amphibious Warfare Handbook No. 10a: The Organisation, Employment and Training of Commandos is a unique piece of post-war Royal Marines Commando doctrine, never before published, or quoted at length.Prepared in 1951 at the height of the Korean War by the Chief of Amphibious Warfare and the Commandant General Royal Marines, this seventy-page aide memoir is, in essence, the distillation of major lessons learned by the British wartime Combined Operations Headquarters regarding amphibious warfare, raiding, cliff assaults, sabotage, intelligence-gathering, specialized infantry work, guerrilla warfare and Commando tactics.
Eastern Front Vol. I Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9788366673205
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2021
Imprint: Kagero
Series: Camouflage & Decals
Illustrations: color profiles, free decal
The book presents color profiles of selected tanks fighting on the Eastern Front, both on the Soviet and German sides. The book comes with a decal sheet.
Alan Brooke: Churchill's Right-Hand Critic Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9781612009681
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2021
Illustrations: 30 photographs
Lord Alanbrooke was Churchill's right-hand man during World War II, and as Chief of the Imperial General Staff he had an integral part in shaping the strategy of Britain and the Allies. Despite this crucial role, he is very little known compared to military commanders such as Montgomery, Alexander, Slim, Mountbatten, Patton, or Eisenhower. This new biography of Lord Alanbrooke uses archival material and his diaries to trace his life, including his experiences in World War I and the development of his military career in the interwar years, with a focus on his post as the Chief of the Imperial General Staff during World War II.
Eagles over Darwin Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9780648665984
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: Avonmore Books
Illustrations: fully illustrated; colour
In 1942 the air defence of the northern Australian frontier town of Darwin was operated by airmen from the United States.That year was very nearly the end of Australia as a country. To those men the present nation owes a debt.
From Texas to Rome Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 456
ISBN: 9781611214826
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: Savas Beatie
Major General Fred Walker assumed command of the Texas National Guard’s 36th Infantry Division in September 1941. He led it for the next 34 months through training, overseas deployment, and World War II’s horrific Italian campaign. Throughout, Walker kept a daily journal in which he recorded his experiences on and off the battlefield.
Pacific Profiles - Volume Three Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9780648926207
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2021
Imprint: Avonmore Books
The Pacific Profiles series presents the most accurate WWII aircraft profiles to date of Japanese & Allied aircraft in the Pacific theatre. Volume Three illustrates, by squadron, USAAF Fifth Air Force A-20 series medium bombers operating in New Guinea from July 1942 to the end of 1944. In this distant theatre, a dozen USAAF A-20 squadrons from the 3rd, 312th and 417th Bombardment Groups, joined by No.
Arctic Front Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781612009728
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2021
Illustrations: 20 maps
In 1941, military operations were conducted by large formations along the northern coast of Scandinavia – for the first time in history of warfare. A modern army suddenly swept into that isolated and inhospitable region that was yet to possess the level of importance it would later assume in Cold War polar strategy. The Arctic Front was the northernmost theatre in the war waged by Germany against Russia.
A Footsoldier for Patton Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781612009308
Pub Date: 05 Feb 2021
A rarely frank account of the U.S. infantry experience in northern Europe, A Foot Soldier for Patton takes the reader from the beaches of Normandy through the giddy drive across France, to the brutal battles on the Westwall, in the Ardennes, and finally to the conquest of Germany itself.
Narvik Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781612009179
Pub Date: 05 Feb 2021
Published for the first time in English, this is a German account of the German invasionof Norway in the spring of 1940. It focuses on the efforts of Group “1” led by Eduard Dietl. This group of gebirgstruppen was landed at Narvik in early April by tendestroyers.
Sturmartillerie De La Waffen-SS T2 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9782840485735
Pub Date: 03 Feb 2021
Imprint: Heimdal
Dans ce deuxième volume sur les Sturmgeschütze des Waffen-SS, le lecteur retrouvera l'historique des canons d'assaut de la «Totenkopf», d'abord articulée en simple batterie, et plus tard en une puissante Abteilung de trois batteries. Plongés dans les affres de la poche de Demiansk, à l'hiver 1941/42, les Sturmartilleristen connaissent presque continuellement de rudes combats jusqu'en Autriche, au printemps 1945, dont ceux de l'opération «Zitadelle» en juillet 1943 et de Pologne l'été suivant. Cette partie est particulièrement illustrée par une iconographie riche grâce à l'héritage de l'Untersturmführer Jänisch ou de l'Unterscharführer Mödlinger.
Pearl Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9781612009384
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2021
Illustrations: 40 photographs
What happened at Pearl Harbor?What really happened? The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is one of those rare moments where, in the space of a few hours, the "hinge of Fate" turned and the course of history was utterly changed.
Pacific Profiles - Volume Two Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
ISBN: 9780648665991
Pub Date: 28 Jan 2021
Imprint: Avonmore Books
Illustrations: fully illustrated; colour
The Pacific Profiles series presents the most accurate WWII aircraft profiles to date of Japanese & Allied aircraft in the Pacific theatre. Volume Two illustrates, by unit, Japanese Army Air Force (JAAF) bomber and other supporting aircraft types operating in New Guinea and the Solomons from December 1942 to April 1944. In this distant theatre many different aircraft types and their variants were assigned to a variety of bomber, reconnaissance, command and transport units which together formed the 4th Air Army.
South Pacific Air War Volume 4 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780648665977
Pub Date: 28 Jan 2021
Imprint: Avonmore Books
Illustrations: fully illustrated; colour
Volume Four chronicles aerial warfare in the South Pacific in the critical period between 19 June and 8 September 1942. It can be read alone or as a continuation of the first three volumes that spanned the first six months of the Pacific War, culminating in the Battle of the Coral Sea. Unlike the previous three volumes, no aircraft carriers appeared in New Guinea waters.