Humanities Hero Image
An address delivered before the Alumni Association of Nassau Hall, on the date of the Annual Commencement of the College, Sept. 25, 1833, by John Sergeant, LL. D. Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 21
ISBN: 9781611431582
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The article comments on and reprints passages from a commencement speech for the Alumni Association of Nassau Hall. In the address, John Sergeant discusses why not many students are inadequately prepared for college work.
Bibliotheca Universalis (Vol 1) Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1299
ISBN: 9781617190230
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Kiraz References Archive
This is the first general annotated catalogue of books known to Conrad Gesner, the Swiss Renaissance polymath.
Bibliotheca Universalis (Vol 2) Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 635
ISBN: 9781617190247
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Kiraz References Archive
This is the first general annotated catalogue of books known to Conrad Gesner, the Swiss Renaissance polymath.
Certain Parallel Developments in Pali and New Persian Phonology Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 19
ISBN: 9781611430127
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Pali and New Persian are without influence on one another, yet they show a striking similarity in their development. All coincidences between the two languages are due to the operation of the laws of development which govern the Indo-Iranian languages.
Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 108
ISBN: 9781607240662
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies
The JCSSS is an annual refereed journal containing the transcripts of public lectures presented at the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies Inc. It focuses on the literature, art, and archaeology of Syriac Christianity from the 2nd century to modern times. Contributors include Sebastian Brock, Amir Harrak, Lucas van Rompay, Andrea B.
Notes on Recent Theories of the Origin of the Alphabet Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 26
ISBN: 9781611431469
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The author’s intent is to continue a search about the origins of the Phoenician alphabet and whether it has a connection to old Babylonian and Egyptian. Up until this point, no satisfactory connection has been made to the Babylonian syllabaries.
On Lepsius's Standard Alphabet Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 43
ISBN: 9781611431520
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Professor Lepsius’ goal in this article is to analyze the comments made in the article William Whitney wrote on his “Standard Alphabet” in 1861.
Possible Non-Indo-European Elements in 'Hittite' Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 19
ISBN: 9781611430134
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Prince believes that Hittite shows marked non-Aryan peculiarities. He attempts to examine some important points in the morphology of Hittite in order to determine whether or not some of the most salient forms are of non-Aryan, rather than Indo-European.
Professor Stuart’s Postscript to his Letter to the Editors of the Biblical Repertory Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 29
ISBN: 9781611431711
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The article responds to a postscript from a letter to the editor on the journal’s position on loans by the American Education Society. The editor counters the writer’s claims and defends the journal’s prior position.
The Fountain of Youth Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 71
ISBN: 9781611431544
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Every region around the world has a version of the Fountain of Youth myth. The author is concerned as to the origin of the story. He concludes that India is the source of the fable.
The Hittite Language Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 19
ISBN: 9781611430172
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Friedrich Hrozny believes that Hittite is an Indo-European language. On face value, Hrzony makes a strong case. However, Maurice Bloomfield is not entirely convinced by Hrozny’s evidence that Hittite belongs to this etymological group.
The Modern Pronunciation of Coptic in the Mass Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 22
ISBN: 9781611430189
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The name Copt is restricted to the sect which has formed the national Christian Church of Egypt. This article is an attempt to illustrate the main characteristics of the church Coptic as it is uttered in Egypt today.
Theories of Education Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 19
ISBN: 9781611431803
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The author attacks practices common in newer forms of education. He generally calls for a more conservative, less experimental, approach which emphasizes deep general knowledge. No formal method is offered to replace the broken system.
Tholuck’s Interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 20
ISBN: 9781611431612
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The article reviews a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. The reviewer examines the conclusions reached by the author as well as the method used to come to those conclusions. He approves of the author’s unique philosophical approach.
American Fanatics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9780822960799
Pub Date: 06 Aug 2010
A book of contemporary poetry exploring the fine, shifting line between faith—secular and spiritual faith—and fanaticism in an insecure age, American Fanatics is a lyrical, pop-culture inflected meditation on democracy, morality, beauty, commerce, and the cost of falling dreams.
Hints on Colonization and Abolition Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 29
ISBN: 9781611431841
Pub Date: 05 Aug 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The author attacks American slavery but disputes the call to instant abolition and race-mixing. He advocates the American Colonization Society’s “back-to-Africa” approach as well as a slow, political approach to ending slavery in America.