Humanities Hero Image

Songs and Stories of the Ghouls

Format: Hardback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9780819569561
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2011
Left dead after our cultures were broken by triumphant enemies, our stories changed to suit others. We now change them again to suit ourselves. Songs and Stories of the Ghouls purports to give power to the dead-voices to the victims of genocide both ancient and contemporary-and presence to women.

Will To Create, The

Goethe’s Philosophy of Nature
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822961451
Pub Date: 02 Nov 2011
Better known as a poet and dramatist, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) was also a learned philosopher and natural scientist. Astrida Orle Tantillo offers the first comprehensive analysis of his natural philosophy, which she contends is rooted in creativity.Tantillo analyzes GoetheÆs main scientific texts, including his work on physics, botany, comparative anatomy, and metereology.
Down These Green Streets Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9781907593192
Pub Date: 01 Nov 2011
Imprint: Liberties Press
The contributors list includes a number of distinguished and internationally renowned crime writers, such as John Connolly, Tana French, John Banville and Alex Barclay, featuring rare and unpublished pieces. Is crime fiction now the most relevant and valid form of writing to deal with Modern Ireland in terms of the post-'Troubles' landscape and the post-Celtic Tiger economic boom? As the first book written on this topic, Down These Green Streets is both detailed and diverse, with each chapter providing a new author's approach and discussing a different aspect of Irish Crime Writing.
Undertaker’s Daughter, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9780822962007
Pub Date: 24 Oct 2011
"Poems that stick with you like a song that won't stop repeating itself in your brain, poems whose cadences burrow into your bloodstream, orchestrating your breathing long before their sense attaches its hooks to your heart."—Washington Post on Captivity
The Polar Eskimos Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 228
ISBN: 9780982915509
Pub Date: 13 Oct 2011
Imprint: International Polar Institute
Illustrations: 5 illus.
This collection of transcribed stories from the Thule region of northern Greenland, begun in 1935, represents stories told to the editor by 5 different Inuit. Holtved recorded these on long playing records along with songs and chants, providing a rich and accurate portrayal of the people and their culture. Multiple versions of the same story are included here, providing greater clarity into the individual storyteller and their own motives.

Apples from Shinar

Format: Hardback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9780819571670
Pub Date: 05 Oct 2011
Apples from Shinar was Hyam Plutzik's second complete collection. Originally published in 1959 as a part of Wesleyan University Press's newly minted poetry series, the collection includes "The Shepherd"-a section of the book-length poem "Horatio," which earned Plutzik a finalist position for the Pulitzer Prize. "The love and the words and the simplicity," that mark Plutzik's poetry, writes Philip Booth, "are all here [in Apples from Shinar], and the poems come peacefully, and wonderfully, alive.
Bringing Carthage Home Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9781842179925
Pub Date: 04 Oct 2011
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: UBC Studies in the Ancient World
Illustrations: 137 b/w & 9 colour illus
Adorning the north-west staircase in the British Museum is a group of brightly coloured figured mosaic pavements. Most were excavated for the Museum between 1856 and 1859 at Carthage, in what is now Tunisia, by a dilettante called Nathan Davis; the work was funded by the Foreign Office of the British Government. This book recounts for the first time the extraordinary story behind this pioneering enterprise and the political and cultural rivalry between representatives of the colonial powers as they asserted their rights to explore the buried remains of one of the ancient world's greatest cities.
Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9780813134185
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2011
Thanks to advances in international communication and travel, it has never been easier to connect with the rest of the world. As philosophers debate the consequences of globalization, cosmopolitanism promises to create a stronger global community. Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization examines this philosophy from numerous perspectives to offer a comprehensive evaluation of its theory and practice.
Interests and Opportunities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780822961734
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2011
In the late 1960s, colleges and universities became deeply embroiled in issues of racial equality. To combat this, hundreds of new programs were introduced to address the needs of \u201chigh-risk\u201d minority and low-income students. In the years since, university policies have flip-flopped between calls to address minority needs and arguments to maintain \u201cStandard English.
The Necessity of Certain Behaviors Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780822944102
Pub Date: 23 Sep 2011
Series: Drue Heinz Literature Prize
Winner of the 2011 Drue Heinz Literature Prize Shannon Cain’s stories chart the treacherous territory of the illicit. They expose the absurdity of our rituals, our definitions of sexuality, and above all, our expectations of happiness and self-fulfillment. Cain’s protagonists are destined to suffer—and sometimes enjoy—the consequences of their own restless discontent.
Medieval settlement to 18th-/19th-century rookery33 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 76
ISBN: 9781907586033
Pub Date: 21 Sep 2011
Series: MoLAS Archaeology Studies Series
Excavations in 2006-8 by MOLA on the site of St Giles Court, on the north side of St Giles High Street, Camden, illustrate the development of this London suburb from the medieval period to the early 20th century. Located opposite the parish church of the former medieval leper hospital of St Giles-in-the-Fields, the site was open ground and gardens until the mid-16th century when residential houses were built along the High Street. St Giles was at the heart of London suburban expansion by the mid-17th century.
Predatory Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822961628
Pub Date: 18 Sep 2011
WINNER OF THE 2010 AGNES LYNCH STARRETT POETRY PRIZE“Glenn Shaheen is claiming new ground for American poetry. His poems are about the nightmares of information overload, collapsing infrastructure, ubiquitous violence, and other ills of late empire. The subjects are not happy, but Shaheen's clear vision and crisp—often witty—language offer the pleasures of surprise, discovery, and recognition.
World Falls Away, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9780822961642
Pub Date: 18 Sep 2011
The burnings from which Coleman culls her work casts a glow and unique warmth that invites the reader to sit by her metaphorical hearth, to laugh and enjoy their \u201cconversation.\u201d The contemplative and philosophical have entered her voice as she continues to explore the conflicts and confusions that shape the aesthetic terrain of Southern California and beyond—as she continues to grapple with cultural bias, malignant domestic neglect, poverty, and the damages of racism, yet broadening her palette of social ills to include the privacies of grief, loss and transcendence. A nominee and finalist for Poet Laureate of California, she continues to reflect the ethnic scramble of Los Angeles, where she has been honored by proclamations from the cityÆs elected officials, including the mayorÆs office, the city council and the Department of Cultural Affairs.
A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson Cover A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson Cover
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9780813134307
Pub Date: 16 Sep 2011
Series: Political Companions to Great American Authors
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9780813147406
Pub Date: 05 Aug 2014
Series: Political Companions to Great American Authors
From before the Civil War until his death in 1882, Ralph Waldo Emerson was renowned -- and renounced -- as one of the United States' most prominent abolitionists and as a leading visionary of the nation's liberal democratic future. Following his death, however, both Emerson's political activism and his political thought faded from public memory, replaced by the myth of the genteel man of letters and the detached sage of individualism. In the 1990s, scholars rediscovered Emerson's antislavery writings and began reviving his legacy as a political activist.

Threshold Songs

Threshold Songs

Pages: 104
ISBN: 9780819571748
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2011
Illustrations: 1 colour illus.
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9780819573476
Pub Date: 24 Oct 2012
Illustrations: 1 colour illus.
About Threshold Songs, the voices in these poems perform at the interior thresholds encountered each day, where we negotiate the unfathomable proximities of knowing and not knowing, the gulf of seeing and feeling, the uncanny relation of grief to joy, and the borderless nature of selfhood and tradition. Both conceptual and haunted, these poems explore the asymmetry of the body's chemistry and its effects on expression and form. The poems in Threshold Songs tune us to the microtonal music of speaking and being spoken.
The Maps of Antietam Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781611210866
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2011
Imprint: Savas Beatie
Series: Savas Beatie Military Atlas Series
Illustrations: 124 full colour maps throughout
The Maps of Antietam breaks down the entire operation into 21 map sets or “action-sections” enriched with 124 full-colour original full-page maps. These spectacular cartographic creations bore down to the regimental and battery level and include the march into Maryland, the Harpers Ferry Operation, the Battle of South Mountain, the battle at Antietam, the retreat, and the fighting at Shepherdstown, as well as important marches and events. Each “action-section” is accompanied by as many as ten maps, and opposite each map is a full facing page of detailed, footnoted text describing the units, personalities, movements, and combat, including quotes from eyewitnesses, making the story of Lee’s raid into Maryland come alive.