Humanities Hero Image
The Syriac Dot Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9781463241001
Pub Date: 20 Aug 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
The dot is used for everything in Syriac from tense to gender, number, and pronunciation, and unsurprisingly represents one of the biggest obstacles to learning the language. Using inscriptions, early grammars, and experiments with modern scribes, Dr. Kiraz peels back the evolution of the dot layer by layer to explain each of its uses in detail and to show how it adopted the wide range of uses it has today.
Infantry Combat Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9781612008202
Pub Date: 16 Aug 2019
Illustrations: maps and diagrams
In this interactive work, you are U.S. Army Second Lieutenant, Bruce Davis.
The Poetry Witch Little Book of Spells Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9780819579102
Pub Date: 06 Aug 2019
In this micro-book, acclaimed “Poetry-Witch” Annie Finch harvests her Spells, spun at the intersection of magic, word, and world. These ritual poems invite readers to experience words not just in the mind, but also in the body and spirit. Celebrated for her extraordinary love and knowledge of poetic craft and commitment to female, earth-centered spirituality, Finch has created a haunting innovative voice and radically traditional aesthetic.
“One of Life and One of Death” Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 395
ISBN: 9781463240257
Pub Date: 23 Jul 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This book explores the apocalyptic influence upon the Two Ways metaphor in antiquity and more particularly the influence of the Two Ways in the Didache as veering from an apocalyptic worldview. The argument includes essential critical evaluation of the apocalyptic genre and assesses the apocalyptic features in ancient Two Ways texts. The predominant focus of the book will document and critically assess how the Didache veers from maintaining an apocalyptic worldview in its expression of the Two Ways (Did.
Oh When the Saints Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781912589029
Pub Date: 11 Jul 2019
Imprint: Liberties Press
Hyper-aware Denny, a young American in Dublin, makes his tentative way towards adulthood with a supporting cast of oddball friends. Denny hopes for a big love, the 'girl named Ireland'. Akin to a Joycean ramble, Oh When the Saints follows a sensitive boy on the reluctant verge of manhood, who cannot help endlessly analyzing his own - and others' - place in the stream of life.
The File Note Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781912589081
Pub Date: 11 Jul 2019
Imprint: Liberties Press
Shortly before his death, Mr Timmons, the only partner in Kilcreddin law firm Timmons & Associates, made a handwritten note of a meeting with a key client. Now the client, Lord Barrington, along with his wife, Lady Barrington, are dead, and the note is a key piece of evidence in the investigation. Is Timmons’s own death related to those of the Barringtons?
Cinema and Ontology Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788869771606
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2019
Series: Philosophy
The essays presented in this volume investigate the relationship between cinema and ontology. This investigation unfolds, on the one hand, through an ontological understanding of cinema, that is, an understanding of the specificity of if its being. On the other hand, it highlights the ways in which cinema can help us to shed some light on the domain of ontology, namely, what exists.
Retold Resold Transformed Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9788869771736
Pub Date: 27 Jun 2019
Series: Literature
In recent decades crime fiction has enjoyed a creative boom. Although, as Alison Young argues in her book Imagining Crime (1996), crime stories remain strongly identified with specific locations, the genre has acquired a global reach, illuminating different corners of the world for the delectation of international audiences. The recent fashion for Nordic noir has highlighted the process by which the crime story may be franchised, as it is transposed from one culture to another.
Asylum: Improvisations on John Clare Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780822965800
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2019
Constellated When the atoms in my body return to stars They will not remember this five am out my window, neither the moor asleep on the horizon, nor, across her darkened hips, the scatters of bright yellow gorse.
Failure of Latin America, The Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780822945673
Pub Date: 18 Jun 2019
Series: Illuminations
The Failure of Latin America is a collection of John Beverley’s previously published essays and pairs them with new material that reflects on questions of post-colonialism and equality within the context of receding continental socialism. Beverley sees an impasse within both the academic postcolonial project and the Bolivarian idea of Latin America. The Pink Tide may have failed to permanently reshape Latin America, but in its failure there remains the possibility of an alternative modernity not bound to global capitalism.
Atmospheres of Learning Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9788869771729
Pub Date: 31 May 2019
Series: Atmospheric Spaces
Illustrations: 5
Socialization in childhood and at a young age is marked, not only by measurable factors such as age, sex, ethnic group, religion or parents’ income, but also by variables such as depression, aggressiveness, inner calm or serenity. It makes all the difference whether a child experiences during their development an atmosphere of acceptance, gladness and emotional warmth, or one of depreciation, indifference and emotional coldness. The atmosphere in which a child is brought up shapes them as people, at least as much as the measurable factors of their social context.
Fernando Pessoa. A Quasi Memoir Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 650
ISBN: 9788869771811
Pub Date: 31 May 2019
Series: Literature
Writing a biography about Pessoa is a seemingly impossible task. The great Portuguese poet did not have just one life, but his existence virtually exploded in over a hundred different personalities. Only by placing oneself close to Pessoa, only by becoming almost one with him, is it possible to trace the life of this poet who was himself a multitude.
Pale Horse Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 119
ISBN: 9780822965701
Pub Date: 15 May 2019
Translation of a Russian novel, providing a fictionalized account of the assassination of grand duke Sergei Alexandrovich, written by the leader of the terrorist cell who actually organized the real murder.
Book in Movement, The Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780822965879
Pub Date: 07 May 2019
Series: Illuminations
Over the past two decades, Latin America has seen an explosion of experiments with autonomy, as people across the continent express their refusal to be absorbed by the logic and order of neoliberalism. The autonomous movements of the twenty-first century are marked by an unprecedented degree of interconnection, through their use of digital tools and their insistence on the importance of producing knowledge about their practices through strategies of self-representation and grassroots theorization. The Book in Movement explores the reinvention of a specific form of media: the print book.
Latin American Adventures in Literary Journalism Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822945659
Pub Date: 07 May 2019
Series: Illuminations
Latin American Adventures in Literary Journalism explores the central role of narrative journalism in the formation of national identities in Latin America, and the concomitant role the genre had in the consolidation of the idea of Latin America as a supra-national entity. This work discusses the impact that the form had in the creation of an original Latin American literature during six historical moments. Beginning in the 1840s and ending in the 1970s, Calvi connects the evolution of literary journalism with the consolidation of Latin America’s literary sphere, the professional practice of journalism, the development of the modern mass media, and the establishment of nation-states in the region.
Aesthetics, Literature, and Life Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9788869771804
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2019
Series: Aesthetics
The complex relationship between life and the arts has always been a crucial topic in philosophical discourse. The essays in this book discuss fundamental issues of modern and contemporary aesthetics, drawing upon the work of the French philosopher Jean- Pierre Cometti, a key figure in the studies of aesthetics, pragmatism, and Austrian philosophy. The volume covers a wide-range of topics, from the examination of fundamental principles of art and literary criticism to a new understanding of the Modernist notion of art.