Pitt Poetry Series
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Series Editors: Terrance Hayes, New York University; Nancy Krygowski, Carnegie Mellon University; Jeffrey McDaniel, Sarah Lawrence College

Since its inception in 1967, the Pitt Poetry Series has been a vehicle for America’s finest contemporary poets. The series list includes Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco, Poet Laureate Billy Collins, Toi Derricotte, Denise Duhamel, Lynn Emanuel, Ross Gay, Etheridge Knight, Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Prize-winner Ted Kooser, Larry Levis, Sharon Olds, Alicia Suskin Ostriker, Afaa Michael Weaver, David Wojahn, Dean Young, and many others. Throughout its history, the Pitt Poetry Series has provided a voice for the diversity that is American poetry, representing poets from many backgrounds without allegiance to any one school or style.

Space Filled with Moving, A Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822954675
Pub Date: 01 Jun 1992
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Previous Praise for Maggie Anderson's Cold Comfort "We are struck by the generosity of a voice that manages to bridge the gap between a personal and a world view, a balance that reveals a narrator who is of the world yet not overwhelmed by it." —Prairie Schooner
South America Mi Hija Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780822954507
Pub Date: 16 Apr 1992
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
When Shawn Doubiago graduated from high school, she and her mother Sharon, embarked on a journey through Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In Cuzco, Peru, standing before an alter where the Incas had sacrifced their female virgins, the daughter asked, \u201cAre there any good men?\u201d South American Mi Hija is Sharon Doubiago\u2019s reply.

Liquid Paper

New and Selected Poems
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9780822954552
Pub Date: 17 Dec 1991
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Peter Meinke was a master of traditional poetic forms long before the current interest in “the new formalism.” His work is, in turn, witty, comic, sane, deeply moving, and always readable. Liquid Paper collects the best of his previously published poems from the late 1960s on with a generous selection of new work.

Widening Spell of the Leaves, The

Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780822954545
Pub Date: 17 Sep 1991
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
The result is a book of discursive meditations that will amply reward the reader. Part travelogue, part pilgrimage in which the shrines remain hidden until they are recognized later, Larry Levis’s startling and complex fifth book of poems is about the enslavement to desire for personal freedom, and the awareness of its price.
The Makings of Happiness Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822954484
Pub Date: 15 Jun 1991
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Wallace’s poems cover the range of human experience: music, religion, sex, art, childhood, adolescence, nuclear war, illness, and death. But it’s in his wit and good humor, against undercurrents of sorrow and grief that best characterize his poetry: part Emily Dickinson, and part Harpo Marx; part Woody Allen, and part Robert Frost.


Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780822954415
Pub Date: 20 Nov 1990
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Winner of the 1989 Associated Writing Programs' Award Series in Poetry“Waring's poems forcibly avoid the workshop warp. From the opening, her language lashes. .

Giacometti's Dog

Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822954286
Pub Date: 10 Apr 1990
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Celebratory or eligiac, these poems record the author’s “two-headed journey” to root herself - geographically and emotionally - in the world. Becker’s poems are from remote and familiar outposts: the watery evanescence of Venice contrasts with the desert of the American Southwest; we lean with her over the rim of a canyon or stand back to study a Giacometti sculpture. From such settings arise poems on the death of a sibling, the consoling power of painting and sculpture; others celebrate the erotic and the capacity of the female body for pleasure and pain.


Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780822954224
Pub Date: 19 Dec 1989
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
What are the forces that cause us to strike out and harm each other? Captivity explores the way in which the individual is held hostage by society; how the forces of racism, sexism, and classism frequently express themselves as violence within the family. The book also explores a deeper captivity, like the Jews in Egypt yearning for the Promised Land, the soul trapped in exile from God.
Green Age Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 72
ISBN: 9780822954217
Pub Date: 25 Aug 1989
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Alicia Suskin Ostriker is that rare combination, a writer equally admired as poet and critic. The variety of subjects in Green Age is characteristic of her writing: from the opening poem, "Fifty," funny, courageous, and defiant, to a set of birthday poems for a grown daughter; from emulations of the Persian mystic Rumi, to the provactive "Meditation in Seven Days," whose central assumption is that we may find in the Bible traces of a Canaanite goddess whose worship was forbidden with the advent of patriarchal monotheism. But if her subjects may seem formidable, her poems are not.
Six O'Clock Mine Report Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9780822954156
Pub Date: 15 Apr 1989
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
The speaker in Irene McKinney’s poems is most often alone, sitting at the side of a stream, or standing at her own chosen gravesite in the Appalachian mountains, and the meditations spoken out of this essential solitude are powerfully clear, witty, and wide-ranging in content and tone. The center sequence of poems in the Emily Dickinson persona explores and magnifies that great and enigmatic figure. The poems are firmly grounded in concern for the ways in which the elemental powers are at work in the earth and in us: on the surface of our lives, and deeper in the underworld of the coalmines.

Niobe Poems, The

Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822954118
Pub Date: 04 Nov 1988
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Kate Daniels’s central myth is that of Niobe, the mother in Greek mythology whose children were killed by the gods because of her great pride in them. She taps the lasting power of the ancient story in poems about personal loss and political insanity. Though the subjects are frequently grim, the final effect of the book is not, since Daniels’s central theme is endurance, the discovery of what we need to survive.
Night Watch on the Chesapeake Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780822953906
Pub Date: 04 May 1987
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Night Watch on the Chesapeake is Peter Meinke’s third collection of poetry. The poems traverse a wide landscape of topics from playing baseball, the death of a friend, divorce, and even poetry itself.
Essential Etheridge Knight, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9780822953784
Pub Date: 05 Dec 1986
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Winner of the 1987 American Book Award The Essential Etheridge Knight is a selection of the best work by one of the country’s most prominent and liveliest poets. It brings together poems from Knight’s previously published books and a section of new poems.
Cold Comfort Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822953845
Pub Date: 15 Oct 1986
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Cold Comfort is a book of poems written out of deep affection and concern for the world in a dangerous time. An urbane stylist, Anderson characteristically focuses on rural and small-town America, where the events of personal history intersect those of the larger world.
Imaginary Lover, The Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780822953852
Pub Date: 02 Oct 1986
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
• Winner of the 1987 William Carlos Williams Award presented by the Poetry Society of AmericaWith The Imaginary Lover, Alicia Suskin Ostriker takes her place among the most striking and original poets whose work is informed by feminist consciousness. Her characterization of the best poetry by women, in the New York Times Book Review, aptly describes this book: “intimate rather than remote, passionate rather than distant, defying divisions between emotion and intellect, private and public, life and art, writer and reader.” To read her poems is to “discover not only more of what it means to be a woman but more of what it means to be human.
Winter Stars Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9780822953685
Pub Date: 31 Mar 1985
Imprint: University of Pittsburgh Press
Since the appearance of his first book in 1972, Larry Levis has been one of the most original and most highly praised of contemporary American poets. In Winter Stars, a book of love poems and elegies, Levis engages in a process of relentless self-interrogation about his life, about losses and acceptances. What emerges is not merely autobiography, but a biography of the reader, a \u201crepresentative life\u201d of our time.