Wesleyan University Press
Since its inception in 1957, Wesleyan University Press has published more than 250 titles within its internationally renowned poetry series, collecting four Pulitzer prizes, a Bollingen, and two National Book Awards in that one series alone. Wesleyan University Press also aspire to maintain and develop their rigorous and multifaceted publishing program that serves the academic and intellectual life of the University; an editorial program that focuses on the publication of poetry, music, dance, science fiction, film-TV, and Connecticut history and culture.
Identity and Everyday Life Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9780819566874
Pub Date: 29 Apr 2004
The notion of "everyday life" is ubiquitous in the contemporary intellectual scene. While scholars frequently use this concept to signal a romantic return to the "common people," Berger and Del Negro are among the first to subject the term to theoretical scrutiny. This book explores how everyday life has been used in three intellectual traditions (American folklore, British cultural studies and French everyday life theory) and suggests a program for revitalizing anti-elitist approaches to culture.
The Sensitive Self Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9780819566850
Pub Date: 20 Apr 2004
We are all sensitive beings, both physically and emotionally. What do we do with our sensitivity? How much of our sensitivity can we take?
The Self-Dismembered Man Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9780819566911
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2004
Illustrations: 2 illus.
Guillaume Apollinaire's final years exactly coincided with the clamorous advent of European Modernism and with the cataclysms of WWI. In The Self-Dismembered Man, poet Donald Revell offers new English translations of the most powerful poems Apollinaire wrote during those years: poems of nascent surrealism, of combat and of war-weariness. Here, too, is Apollinaire's last testament, "The Pretty Redhead," a farewell to the epoch that he-as poet, convict, art-critic, artilleryman and boulevardier-did so much to conjure and sustain until his death on Armistice Day in 1918.
Glottal Stop Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9780819567208
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2004
Paul Celan s widely recognized as the greatest and most studied post-war European poet. At once demanding and highly rewarding, his poetry dominates the field in the aftermath of the Holocaust. This selection of poems, now available in paper for the first time, is comprised of previously untranslated work, opening facets of Celan's oeuvre never before available to readers of English.
Le Style Apollinaire Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780819566201
Pub Date: 12 Feb 2004
The work of Louis Zukofsky has been gaining exposure as a new generation of poets and scholars "rediscover" the American avant-garde tradition. Concurrently, interest in Guillaume Apollinaire's work has grown in recent years as English departments re-explore international modernism. In this extended essay, one of the American literary giants of the 20th Century provides deep readings of the French modernist's entire oeuvre and provides insight into his own formative aesthetic.
Locating East Asia in Western Art Music Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 388
ISBN: 9780819566621
Pub Date: 12 Feb 2004
Illustrations: 7 figs., 56 musical examples.
The traditional musics of China, Japan and Korea have been an important source of inspiration for many Western composers. Some, like Chou Wen-chung and John Cage, have moved beyond superficial borrowing of "Eastern" musical elements in earnest attempts to understand non-Western principles of composition. At the same time, many Asian composers, often trained in the West or in Western music traditions, have been using Asian elements to create works of unique musical synthesis.
Up to Speed Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780819566980
Pub Date: 03 Feb 2004
Rae Armantrout's most recent collection of poems focuses on the phenomenon of time, both as lived experience at the start of the 21st century and as a stubborn mystery confronting physicists and philosophers. The poems in this book are polyphonic: they juxtapose the discourses of science and religion, Hollywood and the occasional psychotic stranger. The title poem, which appears in Best American Poetry 2002, leads off with a "sphinx" asking "Does a road / run its whole length / at once?
False Prophet Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 355
ISBN: 9780819566683
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2004
Illustrations: 25 illus.
From 1988 through 1993, guitarist/vocalist Steven Taylor toured the U.S. and Europe with the alternative rock group False Prophets, keeping a detailed journal with the intent of documenting the role of musicians in the international anarchist youth movement.
Altazor Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780819566782
Pub Date: 02 Jan 2004
Often compared with Apollinaire as the first and liveliest avant-garde poet in his language, Vicente Huidobro was a one-man movement ("Creationism") in the modernist swirl of Paris and Barcelona between the two World Wars. His masterpiece was the 1931 book-length epic Altazor, a Machine Age paean to flight that sends its hero (Altazor, the "antipoet") hurtling through Einsteinian space at light speed. Perhaps the fastest-reading long poem of the century, and certainly the wildest, Altazor rushes through the universe in a lyrical babble of bird-languages, rose-languages, puns, neologisms, and pages of identical rhymes, finally ending in the pure sound of the language of the future.
Caesar's Column Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9780819566669
Pub Date: 04 Dec 2003
Illustrations: 2 illus.
Published in 1890, Caesar's Column is an account of a trip to New York City in 1988 by a visitor from the Swiss colony of Uganda. The great metropolis dazzles with its futuristic technology, but its ostentatious wealth and luxury mask the brutal repression of the laboring classes by their rich bosses. The workers, aided by international terrorists, stage a violent revolt and the narrator flees the devastated city by airship to found an agrarian utopia in Africa.
The Correspondence of William Carlos Williams and Louis Zukofsky Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 603
ISBN: 9780819564900
Pub Date: 04 Dec 2003
Illustrations: 2 illus.
Renowned poet William Carlos Williams and literary innovator Louis Zukofsky maintained a relationship through correspondence as both collaborators and friends between 1928 and 1963. Their letters have remained largely unpublished until now. Edited by Barry Ahearn, The Correspondence of William Carlos Williams and Louis Zukofsky chronicles the professional and personal relationship between Williams and Zukofsky as they present one another with criticism, suggestions and confidences that are at turns touching and astonishingly candid.
Mixed Plate Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780819566560
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2003
Illustrations: 10 illus.
Poet and visual artist Faye Kicknosway presents both new works and twenty-five years of celebrated verse and illustration in her latest volume, Mixed Plate: New and Selected Poems. The poems mine common speech, folklore, film, the grotesque and the ordinary with unapologetic candor and ferocious intimacy. They are a testament to the power of contemporary monologue, filled with surprising inversions and unique takes on the risk of opening the front door.
Phat Beats, Dope Rhymes Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780819566386
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2003
Illustrations: 6 illus.
Ian Maxwell's sophisticated story of Australia's hip-hop scene follows the lives of a small, influential group of rappers from Sydney's Westside in the early 1990s. Maxwell conveys the excitement of the scene and the struggles of the white musicians to define Australian hip-hop, showing how discourses of nationalism and community are played out in everyday life. Whether describing composition in a bedroom, confrontation in a radio studio, tagging in a subway line, or breaking in front of a stage, Maxwell evokes the intensity of feeling and the complexity of these key experiences.
A Nomad Poetics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780819566461
Pub Date: 05 Nov 2003
"The days of anything static-form, content, state-are over," declares poet and translator Pierre Joris in A Nomad Poetics, his first collection of critical essays. Joris maps the success and limitations of contemporary avant-garde poetics, from Tristan Tzara to the most contemporary American experimental poetry, an investigation that leads him to envision a "nomadic poetics" as a strategy for new poetic work, for translation and, fundamentally, for an ethics of early 21st century life. Extending concepts and concerns voiced by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Nomad Poetics is a daring first step in deploying the method of the rhizome, one grounded in Paul Celan's insight that "Reality is not.

Writing in Motion

Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780819566140
Pub Date: 03 Nov 2003
Illustrations: 6 illus.
Kenneth King is one of America's most inventive postmodern choreographers. His dancing has always reflected his interest in language and technology, combining movement with film, machines, lighting and words both spoken and written. King is also conversant in philosophy, and some of his most influential dances have been dedicated to and in dialogue with the work of such philosophers as Susanne K.


Format: Paperback
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9780819566508
Pub Date: 03 Nov 2003
Don Bogen's latest volume, Luster, takes on everything from bullhorns to the cultivation of olive trees in poems that are sharp-edged and open to surprise. They capture not just things themselves but the essential contexts-history, power, the personal and the social-that give them meaning. The stylistic dexterity and range of approaches here make the book as rich as the world it engages.