University Press of Kentucky
University Press of Kentucky has a dual mission—the publication of academic books of high scholarly merit in a variety of fields and the publication of significant books about the history and culture of Kentucky, the Ohio Valley region, the Upper South, and Appalachia. The Press is the statewide nonprofit scholarly publisher for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, serving all Kentucky state-sponsored institutions of higher learning as well as seven private colleges and Kentucky’s two major historical societies.
Power and Empowerment in Higher Education Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9780813154367
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
The tangled relationship of power and higher education is a fascinating one. Where power centers arise on campus, they influence and are influenced by sources of power outside. Students, faculty and administration compete for authority within the academic community; citizens whose education has placed them in a position to obtain social, political, and economic power outside the university walls frequently use it in a way that deeply affects the direction and nature of academic development.
Poverty Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9780813155531
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
In this collection of essays poverty is viewed not merely as an economic predicament but as a "system with measurable properties," of which a low income level is only one. Affecting individuals or entire regions, many of the attributes of poverty can be seen either as causes or as effects of low income.In order for governmental and institutional attempts to have any chance of success, the system of poverty must be much better understood.
Populism and Politics Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9780813151083
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
This study focuses attention of the People's party which existed for a short time in the 1890s. Despite its brief existence the party and the movement that brought it into being had a lasting effect on American politics and society.Populism originally developed outside the political system because the system had proved incapable of responding to real needs.
Politics and Nuclear Power Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 230
ISBN: 9780813152561
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
With the dramatic changes OPEC precipitated in the structure of world energy markets during the 1970s, energy became a central concern to policymakers throughout the industrialized West. This book ex-amines the responses of public officials in three leading European nations -- the Federal Republic of Germany, France, and the Netherlands -- to the energy crisis. As the study shows, the proposed energy programs in the three countries shared remarkable similarities; yet the policy outcomes were very different.
Political Science in America Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780813150888
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Few academic disciplines have recorded their own origins and development in an organized way. The American Political Science Association, in cooperation with Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honor society, and the University of Kentucky, have undertaken an extensive oral history project, the aim of which is to trace and record the growth of the discipline. The program has made it possible to amass hours of interviews with women and men who have influenced the study of political science.
Perspectives on Max Frisch Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780813160092
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Max Frisch, with his countryman Friederich Diirrenmatt, shares the place of eminence in contemporary Swiss literature. Indeed, he ranks high among the recent leading writers in the German language. But, although several of his works -- novels and plays -- have been translated into English, he remains little known in America.
Quest for Eros Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780813154718
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Students of Browning have long been puzzled by the discrepancies between the dramatic framework of Fifine and its symbolic development, but these difficulties are resolved in Southwell's explication by a biographical hypothesis. The powerful influence of the memory of his beloved wife, Elizabeth, involved Browning in a deep ambivalence, and Fifine at the Fair represents his effort to escape the effects of the profound inhibitions associated with her memory, while at the same time remaining loyal to it.The poem is itself a flawed quest for Eros.
Perspectives on Contemporary Literature Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9780813152509
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Today's music, painting, and film share with literature in the development of a new aesthetic, even as these other arts influence (and are influenced by) literary themes and structures. And at the same time the music and art of the past continue to re-echo in twentieth-century letters.The thirteen essays gathered here open a fine and varied view of the ways in which contemporary literature interacts with the other arts.
Perspectives on Contemporary Literature Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 116
ISBN: 9780813152493
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
In all parts of the world and in every age, many of the greatest works of literature have been shaped or inspired by the swirl of historical events. The wars, holocausts, and mushroom clouds of our own era haunt the pages of many twentieth-century writers; events of the past, even the remote past, also inspire many authors, though their work is contemporary in every way. And if we agree with the poet Czeslaw Milosz that "historicity may reveal itself in a detail of architecture, in the shaping of a landscape," we come to recognize that our understanding of a given poem or novel can often be deepened by a reading from this point of view.
Perspectives in Developmental Change Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780813152271
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
In this volume a number of distinguished social scientists representing the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, and political science, explore essential problems of developmental change against the theoretical background and empirical data of their own and related disciplines.Developmental change is here viewed under a broad perspective. The considerations range from the problems that arise when human beings are confronted by change, to investment planning and decision-making in a specific case against a background of general poverty and a high birthrate, to the problem of what it is that constitutes development.
Perpetuities Law in Action Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9780813151991
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
Few rules of law can so quickly strike terror into the hearts of lawyers as the Rule against Perpetuities. This rule, two centuries in development, is designed to prevent tying up property for too long a time. It can be stated in one sentence, but the great nineteenth-century master of the Rule, John Chipman Gray, required more than 400 scrupulously detailed pages to explain it.
Pennsylvania and the War of 1812 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9780813154251
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
In this study of Pennsylvania and the War of 1812, the author sees the political ambitions of the Republicans, rather than economic, diplomatic or expansionist motives as the primary impetus for the outbreak of the war. Fearful of the Federalists' growing strength, the Republicans exploited the friction with England to maintain their power and to secure the reelection of Madison to the presidency. In this strategy, Victor A.
Paul G. Hoffman Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780813156262
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: photo
Having gained fame and success in business, Paul G. Hoffman went on to become involved in a wide range of public concerns. In this new and revealing biography Alan R.
Partisans of the Southern Press Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780813160115
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Carl R. Osthaus examines the southern contribution to American Press history, from Thomas Ritchie's mastery of sectional politics and the New Orleans Picayune's popular voice and use of local color, to the emergence of progressive New South editors Henry Watterson, Francis Dawson, and Henry Grady, who imitated, as far as possible, the New Journalism of the 1880s. Unlike black and reform editors who spoke for minorities and the poor, the South's mainstream editors of the nineteenth century advanced the interests of the elite and helped create the myth of southern unity.
Orphans Of Versailles Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9780813156330
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: Illus
The lands Germany ceded to Poland after World War I included more than one million ethnic Germans for whom the change meant a sharp reversal of roles. The Polish government now confronted a German minority in a region where power relationships had been the other way around for more than a century.Orphans of Versailles examines the complex psychological and political situation of Germans consigned to Poland, their treatment by the Polish government and society, their diverse strategies for survival, their place in international relations, and the impact of National Socialism.
Origins Of The Gulag Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780813156224
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2014
Illustrations: illus
A vast network of prison camps was an essential part of the Stalinist system. Conditions in the camps were brutal, life expectancy short. At their peak, they housed millions, and hardly an individual in the Soviet Union remained untouched by their tentacles.