Mimesis International

Mimesis International was launched at the end of 2013 on the initiative of Mimesis Group, which includes Éditions Mimésis and Mimesis Edizioni. With a catalogue of 4,000 book titles, Mimesis Edizioni is one of the leading Italian publishing houses in the humanities. Their support for free thinking led them to open towards different and merging research fields in the human sciences while maintaining a keen interest in philosophy. As an academic publishing company, they work in synergy and close collaboration with several European universities and cultural centres. In this European and cosmopolitan spirit, they publish their texts in English and, as in the case of scientific journals, they also feature multilingual contributions.

The Atmospheric "We" Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 238
ISBN: 9788869773334
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2021
Series: Atmospheric Spaces
What contribution can the atmospherological approach make to the debate on collective feelings? In answering this question, the book provides a brief introduction to the so-called "atmospheric turn", examines the complex emotional "games" to which atmospheres give rise and the rest realist background underlying their inclusion in the unprecedented ontological category of quasi-things. It then investigates what the power of atmospheric feelings is and how there may be an "atmospheric competence" relating both to the intentional generation of atmospheres and to the ability not to be manipulated by them, thus also addressing the problem of whether collective feelings are atmospheres or moods.
The “Aging” of Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 342
ISBN: 9788869773099
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2021
Series: Aesthetics
If 2019 was an "Adornian year" because of the 50th anniversary of the untimely death of Theodor W. Adorno in August 1969, also 2020 has been an "Adornian year" because of the 50th anniversary of the posthumous publication of Adorno’s great but unfinished masterpiece Aesthetic Theory, first published in 1970. Adorno’s intellectual legacy is still alive today and indeed important for the conceptual tools as it still provides to develop a critical, active and negative (instead than acritical, passive and affirmative) relationship with the real.
Political Torture in the Twentieth Century Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 204
ISBN: 9788869773402
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2021
Series: Speculum Civitatis
Unanimously banned and condemned, torture has been used in many countries throughout the 20th century. Ruxandra Cesereanu’s essay aims to deepen this subject, showing the unimaginable dimensions that human cruelty can sometimes reach. The Armenian Genocide, the Nazi camps, the Gulag, the Military Juntas in Latin America, the totalitarian regimes in Africa and those in Islamic states are just a few examples of the tortures that man can inflict on his fellow men.
Performance/Art Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 162
ISBN: 9788869773365
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2021
Series: Philosophy
Performance/Art explores the phenomenology of skilled performance, ranging from athletics to the performing arts, including music, dance and acting. Gallagher reviews a variety of studies concerning different degrees of mindful awareness operative in performance, and builds on the concept of a meshed architecture, suggesting ways to make it more complex and dynamic. He draws on ideas from enactivist embodied cognition about how different types of movement can be meaningful and intelligent and can scaffold learning and problem solving.
Giovanni Hautmann Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 126
ISBN: 9788869773280
Pub Date: 28 Dec 2021
Series: Psychology
Giovanni Hautmann (Florence, 1927-2017) was president of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society and trained generations of analysts. Together with numerous articles, he has published some fundamental texts, among which: La psicoanalisi tra arte e biologia (1999), Il mio debito con Bion (1999), Funzione analitica e Mente primitiva (2002). Despite the fact that during his presidency, he had promoted for the first time the bilingual (Italian-English) publication of the official journal of the Italian Psychoanalytical Society, his books have never been published in other languages and therefore his thinking remains still little known abroad.
In Praise of the Western World Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9788869773136
Pub Date: 28 May 2021
Series: Anthropology
Today it is widely reported that the West is in crisis, with Europe at the forefront. There are plenty of arguments to sustain this claim. Franco La Cecla, however, warns us not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, as this unstoppable disenchantment is closing our eyes to the exception the West continues to represent.
Aesthetics of Values Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9788869772276
Pub Date: 25 May 2021
Series: Aesthetics
Fostering a dialogue enriched by contributions from both the analytic and the continental tradition (and drawing on authors such as Broch, Diderot, Levinson, and Wittgenstein), this volume delves into the complex relationship between aesthetics and values. Notably, it focuses on decisive aspects of the nature of aesthetic value and its multiple connections to other kinds of value. This concerns not only the issue of how it can be distinguished from artistic value, with which it is often associated and sometimes even confused, but also, as is becoming increasingly evident in the contemporary debate, the urgency of inquiring into how aesthetic and artistic values relate to moral, cognitive, and political values.
Experimental Women Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 156
ISBN: 9788869773129
Pub Date: 25 May 2021
Series: CINÉMA&CIE, International Film Studies Journal
Experimental cinema, as well as experimental video practices, have always been art forms widely explored by women. Yet, while the field of cinema studies has devoted research - although only recently - to women involved in narrative and commercial films, as directors, actresses, screenwriters and in other roles of cinema industry, the history of women’s experimental audio-visual production is still little explored and would benefit from being retraced and framed in a wider historical and theoretical perspective. This special issue of Cinéma&Cie is therefore aimed at tracing women’s experimental practices at the intersection of cinema and the arts by intertwining a theoretical and historical approach through the analysis of cases studies from the mid-century up to the present time.
Images, Philosophy, Communication Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 270
ISBN: 9788869773303
Pub Date: 25 May 2021
Series: Hasekura League Intercultural Studies Editions
Images represent a fusion of creativity, imagination, and symbolism and are crucial to the human quest to discover, invent, and experiment with ever-new visions. Philosophy plays a vital role in interpreting change in an era of rapid and dramatic transformations and providesthe means to view the phenomenon of taste through the lenses of form, doing, and representing. Adopting a perspective that runs from antiquity to the future, the works in this volume analyze human work as expressed in the arts, poetics, and creative techniques in the light of a formative idea that cuts across cultures and epochs and within the framework of the history of Japanese, East Asian, and Western civilizations.
Understanding Social Conflict Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9788869771613
Pub Date: 25 May 2021
Series: Sociology
Since the beginning of the last century Weber argued the indissoluble link between sociology and history. His approach saw the relationship between history and sociology as based on (a) mutual and essential support, and (b) logical priority, according to which, paraphrasing sociologist Alessandro Cavalli, “sociology without history is blind, history without sociology is mute.” The lesson of the «Annales» definitively confirmed the indissoluble link between history and social sciences, on the basis of a strongly and strategically interdisciplinary analysis.
Weaving Body Context Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9788869773327
Pub Date: 21 May 2021
Series: Intertwining
We want to move beyond thinking of architecture as an object. Architecture is not separate from us--it is not something to be judged merely by its formal properties, its satisfaction of programmatic concerns or its performance in terms of technical parameters. We are not dismissing the importance of these factors but wish to enrich them, to understand and articulate how architecture can capture and express unseen layers of meaning and purpose.
Food, My Frienemy Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9788869773730
Pub Date: 21 May 2021
Series: Psychology
A difficult relationship with food affects not only adolescents but also adults. It is often the symptom of a deep pain that rises from problems of control, low self-esteem, guilt and shame, which can derive from critical or traumatic events experienced in the course of life or at a young age. This book helps the reader to understand the difficult relationship with food and the original causes of the symptoms that maintain it.
Counterfactual Conditionals Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9788869773037
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2021
Series: Literature | Language
In the first part of this book, I summarize the development of the standard account of counterfactuals, i.e. conditionals of the form ‘If A had been the case, then B would have been the case’.
Furusato Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9788869772771
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2021
Series: Hasekura League Studies
Furusato (home, hometown, and/or place of origin) is a revered and idealized concept in Japan. On an individual level, it plays a central role in personal identity; in a broader social and cultural milieu, it is constitutive of a sense of nostalgia for a romanticized and impossible past; and in the political and legal realms, it connects with ideas of Japaneseness and the construction of foreign others. While the specific forms it takes in context provide a Japanese veneer to the idea of furusato, it in fact finds close analogues in ideas of ‘home’ and ‘origin’ around the world.
Troubled Legitimization Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9788869773143
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2021
Series: Philosophy
The current study takes on the task of focussing on Habermas’ long and productive first phase in the 1960s and 1970s. The book begins with Habermas’ analyses of students’ political consciousness and of public opinion, before examining his close dialogue with Marcuse and the vanguard of the student movement. The study then focuses on Habermas’ works on the reality and contradictions of the late capitalist system: Knowledge and Human Interests, Legitimation Crisis and Theory and Practice.
Chiasmi 20 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 419
ISBN: 9788869771989
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2021
Series: Chiasmi International
A special issue of Chiasmi, the A-class trilingual publication about Merlau-Ponty’s thought, that celebrates the 110th birthday of the French phenomenological philosopher by realising rare or unpublished dialogues and texts.