Gorgias Press
Founded in 2001 Gorgias Press is an independent academic publisher of books and journals related to history, languages, and religious studies, with specific areas of expertise in the Ancient Near East, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Archaeology, Biblical Studies, Classics, Early Christianity, Jewish Studies, Linguistics, and Syriac.

Gorgias [GOR-gee-us] Press was originally created by George and Christine Kiraz as a specialty press that could keep up with their research interests. With a background in computational linguistics, George Kiraz envisioned combining cutting-edge technology with humanities research. The new company would be completely online, with no physical storefront, and it would use automation and digital printing technology rather than traditional print runs. With these tools, the press could afford to publish rare and understudied topics that were previously considered unprofitable, and Gorgias soon became known for its pioneering work in language and linguistics, religion, and especially Syriac and Eastern Christianity.
Gorgias’ philosophy of “Publishing for the Sake of Knowledge” rather than profit, attracted a number of new authors, and the press’ areas of interest rapidly began to expand. Today, Gorgias Press publishes 50-60 new titles a year, including monographs, edited volumes, translations, and more, and Gorgias books can be found in academic collections all over the world.
Les Calligraphes et les Miniaturistes de l’Orient Musulman Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 404
ISBN: 9781607243151
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Kiraz Theological Archive
Les Calligraphes et les Miniaturistes de l’Orient Musulman is a highly regarded exploration of the Islamic art of calligraphy. Compiled by the noted Orientalist Clément Huart, the main body of the work is dedicated to the exploration of various schools of the art form throughout history.
The Journals al-Mashriq and Lisān al-Mashriq (1946-1951) (Vol 1) Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1054
ISBN: 9781607245308
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Al-Mashriq (1946-1947) and its sequel Lisān al-Mashriq (1948-1951) were the primary Arabic journals in Mosul, Iraq, entirely dedicated to the Eastern Christian tradition. Many of the articles were written by the journals’ founder and editor Boulus Behnam. The scope of the journal covers philosophy, history, religion, poetry, and literary criticism.
Jacob of Serugh on the Eucharist Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 42
ISBN: 9781607249559
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
In the two articles reprinted here, Dom Hugh Connolly offers an annotated English translation of two homilies from Jacob of Serugh dealing with the Eucharist (Bedjan nos. 22 and 95), as well as a short selection from homily 53.
Deux homélies inédites de Jacques de Saroug Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 50
ISBN: 9781607249757
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This volume contains the Syriac text, with French translation, of two previously unedited homilies from Jacob of Sarug: “On Mary and Golgotha,” and “On Strangers and their Burial.”
A List of Syriac Orthodox Ecclesiastic Ordinations from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 143
ISBN: 9781607246213
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies
The Bodleian Library in Oxford currently holds an unpublished historical document in Syriac containing precious historical information about the ordination of bishops, priests, monks, and deacons. Bcheiry gives the text and translation, and focuses on the importance of the data found in this historical list which he compares with other historical data found in other sources.
Abendländischer Einfluss in armenischer Buchmalerei des 10. Jahrhunderts? Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781607249795
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
In the present essay, Anton Baumstark responds to E. Weigand’s argument for a Western influence on the artwork found in tenth century illustrated Armenian manuscripts by demonstrating that the artistic influences could have come from the Eastern tradition as well.
Accepting the Other Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9781607242635
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Dar Mardin: Christian Arabic and Syriac Studies from the Middle East
Written by the eminent Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Accepting the Other, offers an eloquent and alternative perspective to the question of religious co-existence and the so-called ‘Clash of Civilizations.’ Bishop Gregorios’ book begins with an historical overview of the presence of Christians in the Middle East and their rich cultural contributions to the region, stretching back to the days of the Roman Empire and discusses the Islamic conquests and the Crusades from the little-heard yet extremely important Middle Eastern Christian perspective; he also offers examples of Christian-Muslim co-existence and discusses the question of citizenship.
Among the Turks Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 382
ISBN: 9781607243175
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Kiraz Historic Travels Archive
Part travelogue, part missionary account, this book recounts the experiences of a nineteenth-century traveler in the Ottoman Empire. Indeed, Hamlin’s account begins with a description of the origin and extent of the Ottoman Empire, including a consideration of the social issues it faced. An encounter with Islam, with a sympathetic reading of the Quran, leads Hamlin to conclude with the misrepresentation of the Ottomans that he has discovered to be problematic.
Aphrahat's Demonstrations 2 and 7 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 36
ISBN: 9781607249528
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This volume reproduces translations of Aphrahat’s 2nd and 7th Demonstrations into English. The texts cover themes including Law and Gospel, salvation history, commandments to love and forgive, repentance, Jesus as physician, and pastoral care.
Arabische Übersetzung eines altsyrischen Evangelientextes und die Sure 21:105 Zitierte Psalmenübersetzung Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 28
ISBN: 9781607249481
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
The Syriac tradition played an important role in shaping pre- and early Islamic concepts of Christianity. In this article, Anton Baumstark argues that a few Arabic citations of the Bible reflect reliance on Old Syriac translations rather than the Peshitta.
Byzantinisches in den Weihnachtstexten des römischen Antiphonarius Officii Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 29
ISBN: 9781607249801
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
In the present essay, Anton Baumstark surveys several Christmas texts from the Roman Antiphonarius Officii in an attempt to find evidence of Byzantine influence. Baumstark focuses the comparison on poetic texts in the Byzantine tradition.
Changing the Center of Gravity Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 485
ISBN: 9781607248811
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Digital Technologies and the Ancient World
The essays in this volume reflect a new generation of classicists hunting for new methods to understand and to disseminate ancient texts, both to increase the body of published information about classical Greek and Latin and also to encourage these languages to play an increased role in the intellectual life of humanity. In discussing areas as diverse as teaching, citation, criticism, collaboration, epigraphy, geography, grammar, lexicography, and digitization, this volume demonstrates the new scope and potential in Digital Classics research.
Chronicles of the Tombs Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 536
ISBN: 9781607243052
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Kiraz Theological Archive
Moving away from his usual interest in Egyptian mummies, Pettigrew here addresses another morbid interest in antiquities: the epitaphs and inscriptions of ancient sepulchers. The majority of this study focuses on the epitaphs of England and surrounding regions that fall into several categories ranging from devotional to untruthful, from rhetorical to ridiculous. Laid out catalogue style with an index, this book was among the first of its genre and retains its value for readers interested in the perceptions of death as left in the monuments of the departed.
Darstellung der Arabischen Verskunst Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 578
ISBN: 9781607243069
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
As a representation of Arabic verse art, this exploration by Freytag serves as a useful introduction to Arabic poetry for German readers. Following an introduction that presents the basics such as metrical considerations, verse structure, and important characters in the development of Arabic verse, Freytag moves on to specific examples. On all of these topics Freytag writes with authority and sets the standard for works that follow in this field.
Das zweite Josephs-Gedicht von Narses Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 77
ISBN: 9781607249719
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
This volume, Weyl’s inaugural dissertation, contains the critical edition of Narsai’s second poem on Joseph (from Genesis), edited from two Berlin manuscripts, along with several pages of philological annotations to the text.
Des Isho'dad von Maru Kommentar zum Hohenlied Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 30
ISBN: 9781607249443
Pub Date: 23 Mar 2010
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Analecta Gorgiana
Sebastian Euringer publishes here the Syriac text of Isho’dad of Merv’s commentary on the Song of Songs accompanied by an introduction, a German translation of the commentary, notes on the translation, and parallels from other commentaries.