Australian Centre for Egyptology

Macquarie University was the first Australian institution to introduce a full training program in Egyptology and to conduct Australian-based expeditions to excavate, record and preserve Egyptian sites. A result of the expansion of Australia’s involvement in Egyptian archaeology was the establishment by Macquarie University in 1989 of The Australian Centre for Egyptology to coordinate with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities all Australian excavations in Egypt. Under the auspices of the A.C.E site reports and research studies are published, which are distributed to scholars throughout the world. Also published is an annual Bulletin with articles on archaeological work and topics of general interest.

The Cemetery of Meir, Volume I Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 68
ISBN: 9780856688454
Pub Date: 08 Dec 2011
The tomb of Pepyankh-the Middle is completely preserved, containing valuable information on various aspects of the Egyptian provincial administration and on daily life in the Sixth Dynasty. Both burial shafts of the tomb owner and his wife end in beautifully decorated and extremely well preserved burial chambers. This book presents a new record in line drawings and coloured photographs of all architectural and artistic features of the entire chapel and burial apartments.
RRP: £75.00
Mereruka and his Family Part III.2 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 45
ISBN: 9780856688409
Pub Date: 22 Feb 2011
This is the last volume reporting on the unusually rich tomb of Mereruka and his family. The pillared hall, A13, is the largest room in the chapel, containing many interesting themes, including the funerary procession, the voyage to the south, the transportation by a palanquin, the harvesting of grain and the pulling of papyrus ceremony. Mereruka's burial chamber is the most majestic and best preserved among those of private individuals of the Old Kingdom.
RRP: £75.00
The Tomb of Amenemope at Thebes (TT 148) Volume 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 149
ISBN: 9780856688249
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2010
Series: ACE Reports
This publication deals with the large Theban tomb of the Third Prophet of Amun, Amenemope who held office during the reigns of Ramesses III to V. The tomb is well known for the data it provides on the leading families of the priests of Amun in the 20th Dynasty; in addition to its genealogical data, this book presents the tomb's extensive religious and ritual scenes and inscriptions as well as its architecture.
RRP: £80.00
Mereruka and his Family Part III.1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 45
ISBN: 9780856688294
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2010
Series: ACE Reports
As vizier and husband of King Teti's eldest daughter, Mereruka enjoyed a very special status and built an unusually rich mastaba. This volume deals with the architecture and art of the exterior of his mastaba and with those of rooms A1-A12 of his magnificent chapel. The variety of themes depicted in this section of the chapel include, fishing and fowling, life in the marshlands, gardening, desert hunt, metal workers and other professions, rendering accounts, poultry house, preparation of food and drink and bringing offerings, entertainment with the harp, etc.
RRP: £75.00
The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, Vol. 9 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 50
ISBN: 9780856688287
Pub Date: 29 Sep 2009
Series: ACE Reports
The mud brick mastaba of Remni was recently discovered in the North West corner of the Teti Cemetery. All four walls of its one room chapel are covered with scenes of daily life, painted on mud plaster and thus preserving for us a good example of this rarely preserved type of decoration. The artist succeeded in including a large variety of topics at a miniature scale in a limited space.
RRP: £65.00
Mereruka and His Family, Part II Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 44
ISBN: 9780856688232
Pub Date: 12 Nov 2008
Series: ACE Reports
Waatetkhethor, the eldest daughter of King Teti and wife of the vizier Mereruka, is the only woman buried in the Teti Cemetery who owned a separate chapel and burial chamber in her husband's mastaba. She held a very elevated status and her son, Meryteti, was described as 'eldest son of the king of his body' (see Part I of this publication). The book examines her special position and documents all the scenes and inscriptions in her chapel, both in line drawings and colour photographs, and produces architectural drawings of her tomb.
The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology, Volume 18 (2007) Cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780856688300
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2007
Series: Bulletin of the ACE
Contents: Editorial Foreword; Tomb of the Late Old Kingdom west of the White Monastery (Sohag) (Magdy el Badry); Brief Report on the 2007 Excavations at Ismant el-Kharab (Gillian E. Bowen, Wendy Dolling, Colin A. Hope and Paul Kucera); A Late Middle Kingdom Parallel for the incipit of Book of the Dead Chapter 22 (Jacobus van Dijk); The Curious Case of the "Mummified Pigeon" (Linda Evans); Pre-Amarna Tomb Chapels in the Teti Cemetery North at Saqqara (Beatrix Gessler-Löhr); Controlling Human Suffering: Terminology of Divine Mercy in Ancient Egypt and in Ancient Israel (Eve Guerry); Fishing, Fowling and Animal-Handling in the Tomb of Djefaihapi I at Asyut (Mahmoud el-Khadragy); Dancing on a Time Line: Visually Communicating the Passage of Time in Ancient Egyptian Wall Art (Lesley Kinney).
Akhmim in the Old Kingdom, Part 2 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780856688126
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2006
Series: ACE Studies
Illustrations: 30 pls
The book is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1 presents a formal analysis and discussion of the pottery recovered during the excavations at El-Hawawish. The material is divided into two main groups: pottery of the late Old Kingdom to Middle Kingdom, and pottery of all later periods to the Late Roman.
RRP: £55.00
The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology, Volume 17 (2006) Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9780856688256
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2006
Series: Bulletin of the ACE
This issue of B.A.C.
Deir el-Gebrawi, volume 2 Cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780856688089
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2006
Series: ACE Reports
Following the publication of the Northern Cliff of Deir el-Gebrawi, the Australian Centre for Egyptology has undertaken a season of re-recording the tomb of Ibi and other surrounding smaller tombs on the Southern Cliff. Originally recorded by Davies in 1900 and published in 1902, the tomb of Ibi represents an important document on the administration and the provincial life in the period Merenre to early Pepy II. Ibi was an important governor of two provinces, Nos.
RRP: £65.00
The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara VIII Cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780856688102
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2006
Series: ACE Reports
Located on the northern limits of the Teti Cemetery, the Tomb of Inumin is dated to the earlier part of the reign of Pepy I. The chapel is formed of five rooms, three of which are beautifully decorated with scenes of daily life clearly influenced by the neighbouring rich tomb of Mereruka, but at the same time showing individuality in the choice of details. Like most of the viziers of this period, Inumin also had a fully decorated burial chamber.
RRP: £65.00
Deir el-Gebrawi, volume 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 94
ISBN: 9780856688072
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2005
Series: ACE Reports
Illustrations: 67 plates, including 32 coloured plates and 35 line drawings, mostly in fold-out form
Deir el-Gebrawi was one of the most important provinces in the Old Kingdom, with governors buried there holding high administrative positions, including that of vizier. The cemetery occupies two separate cliffs, the nothern one of which received very limited attention from Norman de Garis Davies, who first published it in 1902. The new record includes all the surviving information on the architecture, art and inscriptions in the tombs of the northern cliff, as well as reproductions of certain sections from Davies' publication, where these have deteriorated or been vandalized since 1902.
Mereruka and His Family, part 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 52
ISBN: 9780856688164
Pub Date: 05 May 2005
Series: ACE Reports
Illustrations: 45 pages of plates, CD
The mastaba of Mereruka is the most extensively decorated tomb of the Old Kingdom. As a vizier and husband of the eldest daughter of King Teti, Mereruka held an unusually large number of responsibilities and his tomb reflects the wealth and status he enjoyed. Consisting of 32 rooms, 16 of which are decorated, it includes his chapel, that of his wife, Waatetkhethor and his son Meryteti.

Mastabas at Saqqara

Kaiemheset, Kaipunesut, kaiemsenu, Sehetepu and others
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9780856688119
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2003
Series: ACE Reports
Illustrations: 64 b/w and col illus
Among a number of large mud-brick mastabas, west of the Teti cemetery, are the family complexes of the royal builder, Kaiemheset and the overseer of the granary, Kaiemsenu, who also held several priesthoods of Fifth Dynasty kings. Excavated early in the last century, neither was adequately published despite the important information they contained. Remarkable features include one of two siege scenes known from the Old Kingdom, a well preserved functional door of wood, several magnificent statues and a number of rare titles.
The Amarna Age Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9780856688201
Pub Date: 01 Mar 2002
Series: ACE Studies
Illustrations: 9 col pls, 14 b/w figs, 3 tbs
Although co-regencies have been acknowledged in Egyptian history, it has been difficult to pinpoint evidence in support of them and little work has been carried out on the Middle Kingdom rulers. Here, Giles examines fragmentary sources for the political history of the late 18th Dynasty and particularly for the co-regency of Amenhotep and his son Akhenaten, and of Akhenaten and his son-in-law Smenkhkare. Giles puts forward a case in support of these two co-regencies by looking at royal burials and espeically Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings.
RRP: £55.00

The Unis Cemetery at Saqqara 1

The Tomb of Irukapta
Format: Paperback
Pages: 86
ISBN: 9780856688188
Pub Date: 11 Nov 2000
Series: ACE Reports
Illustrations: 50 b/w pls
Often referred to as the `Butcher's Tomb' the decorated tomb of Irukapta in the Unis Cemetery at Saqqara, has been fully recorded for publication. A well-preserved example of Old Kingdom rock architecture, it retains much of its painted decoration. An outstanding feature is the large number of engaged statues which provide valuable information on the progressive steps in the execution of rock-cut statuary and comparisons of artistic and architectural features are made with other near-contemporary tombs.