Aarhus University Press

Aarhus University Press is a commercial Foundation which was inaugurated in 1985 for the purpose of disseminating the results of scientific research, as well as other scientific activity within the University of Aarhus. The Foundation is managed by a board of at least 5 and maximum of 13 members appointed by the Academic Council of the University on the recommendation of the Rector on the basis of proposals from the main areas.

Libraries & Enlightenment

Eighteenth-Century Norway & the Outer World
Format: Paperback
Pages: 228
ISBN: 9788771243505
Pub Date: 23 Oct 2014
During the Enlightenment, other peoples, and also their cultures, were much discussed, with debates often focusing on their value as human beings and the level of tolerance that they were to be granted. Books on 'outer worlds', classified in libraries as historia, were an integral part of these deliberations as they conveyed distinct perceptions of peoples and places to their readers. This book explores how the broader world was presented to a Norwegian audience by means of both statistical analysis of books on 'the other' in Enlightenment libraries and consideration of how peoples were portrayed in bestselling works.

Elephants Are Not Picked from Trees

Animal Biographies in the Gothenburg Museum of Natural History
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9788771242126
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2014
"Elephants are not picked from trees" are the words of Swedish taxidermist and conservator David Sjölander, spoken while he was in Angola looking for a fine bull elephant specimen in the autumn of 1948. At the age of 62 Sjölander was to satisfy his life's dream of shooting the elephant he for so long had wished to prepare and exhibit. The African elephant was to be the main attraction in the Mammal Room of the Gothenburg Museum of Natural History.

Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens

Volume 7
Format: Paperback
Pages: 238
ISBN: 9788771241044
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2014
Contents: Ancient Studies, Thomas Heine Nielsen An Essay on the Extent and Significance of the Greek Athletic Culture in the Classical Period, Vincent Gabrielsen The Piraeus and the Athenian Navy: recent archaeological and historical advances, Helmut Brückner, Alexander Herda, Marc Müllenhoff, Wolfgang Rabbel, & Harald Stümpel On the Lion Harbour and Other Harbours in Miletos: recent historical, archaeological, sedimentological, and geophysical research, Silke Müth The Historical Context of the City Wall of Messene: preconditions, written sources, success balance, and societal impacts, James Roy Emplekton Technique in Fortification at Ithome/Messene, Megalopolis, and Mantinea: the work of Theban military engineers?, Klavs Randsborg Kephallénia Masonry, Stella Drougou Hellenistic Pottery – Content and Methodology; Art Historical Studies, Karen Nystrøm Simonsen Immortalised in Marble: Lord Byron portrayed by Bertel Thorvaldsen; Reports on Danish Fieldwork in Greece, Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki & Erik Hallager Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania 2005 and 2008: a preliminary report, Erik Hallager, Yannis Tzedakis & Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki The Greek–Swedish Excavations at Kastelli, Khania 2001: a preliminary report, Erik Hallager, Yannis Tzedakis & Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki The Greek–Swedish–Danish Excavations at Kastelli, Khania 2010: a preliminary report, Olympia Vikatou, Rune Frederiksen & Søren Handberg The Danish–Greek Excavations at Kalydon, Aitolia. The Theatre: preliminary report from the 2011 and 2012 campaigns, Bjørn Lovén & Mads Møller Nielsen Zea Harbour Project – preliminary report 2009-2010.

Conflicted Pasts & National Identities

Narratives of War & Conflict
Format: Paperback
Pages: 162
ISBN: 9788771243543
Pub Date: 01 May 2014
War and conflicts have always played a significant role in defining national identities, often with reference to events that happened centuries ago. The role of passing on collective memories of these types of events has become even more complex in a globalising world, where new configurations of cosmopolitan memories challenge more locally and nationally based memories. The many aspects of societies' remembering and forgetting call for interdisciplinary studies.
Positive Psychology Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 60
ISBN: 9788771243529
Pub Date: 01 May 2014
Series: Reflections
We have evolved to enjoy sleep, sex and sweets ─ and so we do. But negativity permeates our lives too: we are drawn to murder and violence on the news; we remember the schoolyard bully as if it was yesterday, and we are taught to accept boring education. It is in our genes, but it is also deeply ingrained in our culture.
Pottery, Peoples & Places Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 383
ISBN: 9788779345324
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2014
Illustrations: b/w & colour illus
The late Hellenistic period, spanning the 2nd and early 1st centuries BC, was a time of great tumult and violence thanks to nearly incessant warefare. At the same time the period saw the greatest expansion of 'Hellenistic' Greek culture, including ceramics. Papers in this volume explore problems of ceramic chronology (often based on evidence dependent on the violent nature of the period), survey trends in both production and consumption of Hellenistic ceramics particularly in Asia Minor and the Pontic region, and assess the impact of Hellenistic ceramic culture across much of the eastern Mediterranean and into the Black Sea.

Europe & its Interior Other(s)

Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9788771241280
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2014
Who were and who are the European other(s), and how have their socio-cultural circumstances been aesthetically expressed and discussed in works of literature and art in European history? Members of the interdisciplinary group of researchers "The Borders of Europe" address these questions in this book and shed new light on the notion of European transnational identity, self-conscience and exclusion. Making a mental, space-time journey across and beyond internal and external borders of Europe -- moving from medieval times to the present, from Istanbul to the northernmost tip of Norway -- the authors show how the dangerous dynamics of othering, estrangement, intolerance and hatred have become an inherent part of the continent's history.
Failaka / Dilmun Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 196
ISBN: 9788788415803
Pub Date: 31 Mar 2014
Illustrations: colour & b/w photos & illus
Excavations carried out by the Danish Moesgaard Museum on the island of Failaka in Kuwait in 1958-1963 produced a large collection of stone vessel fragments which have ever since puzzled scholars. The settlements excavated on Failaka, Tell F3 and Tell F6, belong to the 2nd millennium BC, but stone vessels of Série Ancienne and Umm an-Nar styles of the 3rd millennium BC are well represented in the Failaka collection. Besides vessels of Wadi Suq and Late Bronze Age styles there is a significant group of figurative decorated stone vessels in a style completely unknown from anywhere else in the region, which may throw light on the mid 2nd millennium Dark Age in South Mesopotamia.

Exploring Text & Emotions

Format: Paperback
Pages: 451
ISBN: 9788779345584
Pub Date: 01 Mar 2014
Series: Acta Jutlandica Series
The present volume is the second publication generated by the Project "Text, Action and Space". The first volume, Exploring Textual Action (Aarhus University Press, Acta Jutlandica, Humanistic Series, 2010), focused on textual action and performativity and their spatial implications. This volume aspires to contribute to the investigation of emotions and their interaction with the dynamics of textuality and spatiality, showing the essential role of literature and the arts in the understanding of affective phenomena, such as emotions, feelings, sentiments, dispositions and moods.

Literature & Chemistry

Elective Affinities
Format: Hardback
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9788771241747
Pub Date: 01 Mar 2014
This book investigates literary and chemical encounters, from medieval alchemy to contemporary science fiction, in works of the likes of Dante, Goethe, Baudelaire and Dag Solstad as well as in literary writing of scientists such as Humphry Davy, Ludwig Boltzmann and Oliver Sachs.

Industrial Heritage in Denmark

Landscape, Environments & Historical Archaeology
Format: Hardback
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9788771241082
Pub Date: 10 Jan 2014
In presenting 25 industrial sites of national significance in the context of changing techno-economic paradigms, this book considers the development of Danish industrial landscapes and built-up environments in the period 1840-1970. Three case studies of ports, sugar mills, and cement plants are also presented. The book concludes with two chapters that discuss perceptions and strategies for the conversion of industrial sites, and an overview is given covering the preservation of industrial heritage in Denmark, historically.

Sugar & Modernity

Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Format: Paperback
Pages: 172
ISBN: 9788771241105
Pub Date: 01 Jan 2014
Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other diseases related to modern lifestyles have spread with frightening speed all over the globe, a development that is often correlated with an increase in the consumption of sugar. Latin America -- the cradle of the world's sugar production -- is no exception; it has witnessed an explosion of cases of diabetes, especially in Brazil and Mexico. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the problem, this book asks two questions.

Representational Machines

Photography & the Production of Space
Format: Paperback
Pages: 269
ISBN: 9788771241655
Pub Date: 01 Sep 2013
Illustrations: photos
Since its inception in the 19th century, photography has brought to light a vast array of represented subjects. Always situated in some spatial order, photographic representations have been operatively underpinned by social, technical, and institutional mechanisms. Geographically, bodily, and geometrically, the camera has positioned its subjects in social structures and hierarchies, in recognisable localities, and in iconic depth constructions which, although they show remarkable variation, nevertheless belong specifically to the enterprises of the medium.
From Goths to Varangians Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 418
ISBN: 9788779345379
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2013
Series: Black Sea Studies
In late Antiquity, archaeology demonstrates lively and far-flung exchange along the river Dniester, through current Poland to the Baltic. By the 11th century the former Barbaricum had been transformed into a string of Christian kingdoms and principalities, whose parallel histories are as conspicuous as their differences. From the legendary (if possible real) migrations of the Goths in Antiquity to the Varangian guard at the imperial court of Byzantium in the late Viking Age, trans-cultural interaction complemented important historical development.

Making and Breaking the Gods

Christian Responses to Pagan Sculpture in Late Antiquity
Format: Hardback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9788771240894
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2013
Drawing on both textual and archaeological sources, this book discusses how Christians in Late Antiquity negotiated the sculptural environment of cities and sanctuaries in a variety of ways, ranging from creative transformations to iconoclastic performances. Their responses to pagan sculpture present a rich window into the mechanisms through which society and culture changed under the influence of Christianity. The book thus demonstrates how Christian responses to pagan sculpture rhetorically continued an old tradition of discussing visual practices and the materiality of divine representations.

Zackenberg -- On the Edge of Winter

A Photographic Journey into Northeast Greenland
Format: Hardback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9788771240979
Pub Date: 01 Jul 2013
Illustrations: colour photos
Zackenberg (or ZERO - Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations) is an ecosystem research station and monitoring facility situated in the Northeast Greenland National Park in north-eastern Greenland. Zackenberg is owned by The Government of Greenland and is operated by the Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University. The book's beautiful photographs document the people living at the station during winter and their field research in harsh conditions.