Aarhus University Press

Aarhus University Press is a commercial Foundation which was inaugurated in 1985 for the purpose of disseminating the results of scientific research, as well as other scientific activity within the University of Aarhus. The Foundation is managed by a board of at least 5 and maximum of 13 members appointed by the Academic Council of the University on the recommendation of the Rector on the basis of proposals from the main areas.

Chalkis Aitolias, Volume One Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9788772888668
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2006
Illustrations: illus
The Prehistoric Periods is the first volume in a series of publications where the results of the Danish/ Greek excavations 1995 to 2001 in Ancient Chalkis in Aetolia, are published. For the first time ever, stratigraphically excavated deposits from the Final Neolithic, the Early Helladic, Middle Helladic and the Late Helladic periods in Northwestern Greece are published and presented in their proper scientific contexts. In addition to the archaeological contexts geological surveys in the area and studies in the fauna of marine shells and animal bones from the prehistoric layers are submitted.
Warfare & Society Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 557
ISBN: 9788779341104
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2006
Illustrations: illus
This book deals with the interrelationship between society and war seen through the analytical eyes of anthropologists and archaeologists. War is a ghastly thing, which unfortunately thrives almost everywhere in the world today. We need, therefore, to have a better understanding of what war does to people and their societies.

Chilchos Valley Revisited

Life Conditions in the Ceja de Selva, Peru
Format: Paperback
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9788776020514
Pub Date: 17 Feb 2006
Series: The National Museum of Denmark, Ethnographic Monographs
Illustrations: illus
Text in English & Spanish. This book on the Chilchos Valley in the northeastern slopes of the Andes in Peru attempts to understand how human activities have changed the landscape in the montane forests during the last 500 years. Settlements and terraces from the Chachapoya and Inca cultures in the Ceja de Selva (high jungle) witness of an ample use in pre-Hispanic times.
Roman Imperial Statue Bases Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 658
ISBN: 9788779341463
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2006
Series: Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity
Illustrations: illus
The study of Roman imperial statues has made remarkable strides in the last two decades. Yet the field's understandable focus on extant portraits has made it difficult to generalise accurately. Most notably, bronze was usually the material of choice, but its high scrap value meant that such statues were inevitably melted down, so that almost all surviving statues are of stone.

Letters From the Governor's Wife

A View of Russian Alaska 1859-1862
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9788779341593
Pub Date: 20 Jan 2006
Series: Beringiana
Illustrations: illus
When Johan Furuhjelm was offered the governorship of Russian America in 1858, the 37-year-old Finnish officer found himself in a quandary. He needed a wife to support him in the new post, with its mix of mercantile and administrative responsibilities, and there were no suitable candidates in the remote Siberian port where he was harbourmaster. Fortunately, on his trip back west to receive his orders, Helsinki society came to his aid, choosing for him a young woman of good family and international background, Anna von Schoultz.
In Search of a Language for the Mind-Brain Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 399
ISBN: 9788779340053
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
Series: The Dolphin
What is human nature? How is language related to thought -- and should the connection be investigated socially or scientifically? Is external reality coherent or fragmented?

Baha'i & Globalisation

Format: Paperback
Pages: 309
ISBN: 9788779341098
Pub Date: 20 Dec 2005
Series: RENNER Studies on New Religions
Globalisation has become a buzzword that typically refers to the intensifying integration of the world economy, especially as midwifed by technological advances. It also implies a growing political and cultural sense that all humanity is globally interdependent. There have always been individuals of course who have advocated such awareness, one of them being the founder of the Baha'i faith, who formulated a spiritual equivalent as the religion's central doctrine in the late 19th century: 'Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch'.

Body, Sport & Society in Norden

Essays in Cultural History
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9788779341777
Pub Date: 20 Dec 2005
Illustrations: illus
It has been said that democratic populism is Scandinavia's gift to the modern world. But the critical role that sports has played in the development of this particular form of society has gone largely unremarked. In these 10 essays, Niels Kayser Nielsen analyses how the growth of physical culture in the region has both reflected and contributed to the parallel rise of Scandinavian nationalism during the last two hundred years.

Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Plant Interactions

An Empirical Modelling Approach
Format: Paperback
Pages: 151
ISBN: 9788779341166
Pub Date: 20 Dec 2005
By Working at the intersection of ecology and evolutionary biology, evolutionary ecologists tend to rely on the dominant mathematical models from one of the two parent fields. Yet these transplanted models have their shortcomings. On the one hand, the frequency models used in evolutionary biology have a hard time accounting for certain factors (like resource limitations) that are central to many ecological problems.

Democratisation in the Middle East

Dilemmas & Perspectives
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9788779342309
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2005
The main aim of the book is to provide a forum for opinions held by Arabs who are neither Western puppets nor fanatical nationalists or Islamists, but rather academics with a vast knowledge of the Middle East as well as of the West. The authors all support the building of a democratic secular Middle East, but their writings also show that although there is no easy way to achieve this goal, neither is there any excuse for not making the attempt. Contributors: Nader Fergany author of the Arab Human Development Reports; Raymond Hinnebusch professor of International Relations and Middle East Politics, University of St.

Gensyn Med Sofavaelgerne

Valgdeltagelse i Denmark
Format: Paperback
Pages: 245
ISBN: 9788779342293
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2005
Text in Danish.
History in Education Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 206
ISBN: 9788776840068
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2005
Until recently the opinion shared by many people was that learning history had lost all significance. But today we discover that the sense of history has not disappeared, but is present both as a vision of a past that can teach us something about how to overcome difficulties, and also as a vision of a future that passes down a peaceful world to our descendants, without wars and terrorism, exploitation of resources and pollution of nature. It is probably inevitable that this sense of history will become the guiding perspective of all education from nursery school to university, and it must be our task to reflect on the meaning of history for the moral and political formation of ourselves.

Re-Mapping Exile

Realities & Metaphors in Irish Literature & History
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788779340107
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2005
Series: The Dolphin
The essays in this collection combine historical, cultural, and literary analyses in their treatment of aspects of exile in Irish writing. Some are 'structuralist' in seeing exile as a physical state of being, often associated with absence, into which an individual willingly or unwillingly enters. Others are 'poststructuralist', considering the narration of exile as a celebration of transgressiveness, hybridity, and otherness.
Chronologies of the Black Sea Area in the Period c.400-100 BC Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9788779341326
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2005
Series: Black Sea Studies
Illustrations: illus
A renewed interest in chronological problems has surfaced in recent years. In this volume deriving from the first international conference of the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies thirteen contributions by scholars from Russia, Ukraine, Romania, USA, Canada, Belgium and Denmark review and discuss the elements on which the chronology used in Black Sea archaeology and history in the period c. 400-100 BC is built up.

Lexicon Mediae Latinitatis Danicae 6

Monacho -- praeallego
Format: Paperback
Pages: 95
ISBN: 9788779341821
Pub Date: 20 Jul 2005
Text in Danish and Latin.

Youth & Youth Culture in the Contemporary Middle East

Format: Hardback
Pages: 162
ISBN: 9788779341340
Pub Date: 20 Jun 2005
Series: Proceedings of The Danish Institute in Damascus
Illustrations: illus
As the analytical concept of ‘youth' gained importance, and was generally accepted as a period with its own cultural values and norms, social scientists began to analyse how social change was linked to youth. In the Middle East, a new concept of youth already began to find its way into the region in the late 19th century, and played a role in the anti-colonialist struggle. The same concept still plays a leading role today in the way young people act in relation to traditional values, political systems, and the West.