Format: Hardback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9781612000084
Pub Date: 15 Jul 2011
Imprint: Casemate Publishers
Illustrations: 16 pages of illustrations, 10 maps
Today's Arab-Israeli conflict, ever-present in the news, is merely the latest episode in an unending history of violence in the Holyland, a region that is unsurpassed as witness to a kaleidoscopic military history involving forces from across the world and throughout the millennia.Holy Wars describes 3,000 years of war in the Holyland with the unique approach of focusing on pivotal battles or campaigns, beginning with the Israelites' capture of Jericho and ending with Israel’s last full-fledged assault against Lebanon. Its 17 chapters stop along the way to examine key battles fought by the Philistines, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, and Mamluks, the latter clash, at Ayn Jalut, comprising the first time the Mongols suffered a decisive defeat.