Archaeology & Ancient History  /  Archaeological Method & Theory
Economic Zooarchaeology Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781789253405
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2019
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
Economic archaeology is the study of how past peoples exploited animals and plants, using as evidence the remains of those animals and plants. The animal side is usually termed zooarchaeology, the plant side archaeobotany. What distinguishes them from other studies of ancient animals and plants is that their ultimate aim is to find out about human behaviour – the animal and plant remains are a means to this end.
The Ancient Harbours of the Piraeus Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 252
ISBN: 9788771848021
Pub Date: 20 Jul 2019
Illustrations: 37 figs., 32 plates
Volume 15,3: Architecture, Topography, Finds. Expanding on the publication of the shipsheds and slipways found in the northern half of Group 1 (Area 1) on the eastern side of Zea Harbour in Volume I.1–2 (2011) of the peer-reviewed Ancient Harbours of the Piraeus series, Volume II presents further results of the archaeological investigations conducted by the Zea Harbour Project (ZHP) in 2004-2010 and 2012 of ancient shipsheds and slipways in Zea Harbour (Pashalimani), both identified and possible, making them the best documented structures in Athens’ naval bases and in the wider Mediterranean.
Documenting Ancient Rhodes Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9788771249873
Pub Date: 20 Jun 2019
Series: Gösta Enbom Monographs
The island of Rhodes in the south-eastern Aegean is in a strategic position for sea-routes between west and east. Its four ancient city-states, Lindos, Kamiros, Ialysos, and from the end of the fifth century BC the new capital of Rhodes, have all provided significant evidence for the political and cultural importance of the island throughout Antiquity. The islands rich historical past has attracted the interest of travelers, archaeologists and scholars over the centuries.
Habitus? Cover Habitus? Cover
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9789088907845
Pub Date: 12 Jun 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 65fc/15bw
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9789088907838
Pub Date: 12 Jun 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 65fc/15bw
The issue of the social dimension of technology and transformation, seen from the perspective of ‘Habitus’, has repeatedly been discussed in the scientific discourse exploring prehistoric and archaic communities. However, the complexity of related phenomena constantly provokes new approaches in different archaeological contexts, which leads to interesting findings.By presenting the latest studies on the social dimension of technology and transformation, this book contributes to a better understanding of a system of embodied dispositions hidden within Bourdieu's concept of ‘Habitus’.
Mining and Quarrying in Neolithic Europe Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781789251487
Pub Date: 31 May 2019
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers
Illustrations: b/w
The social processes involved in acquiring flint and stone in the Neolithic began to be considered over thirty years ago, promoting a more dynamic view of past extraction processes. Whether by quarrying, mining or surface retrieval, the geographic source locations of raw materials and their resultant archaeological sites have been approached from different methodological and theoretical perspectives. In recent years this has included the exploration of previously undiscovered sites, refined radiocarbon dating, comparative ethnographic analysis and novel analytical approaches to stone tool manufacture and provenancing.
RRP: £38.00
Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean Cover Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean Cover
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9789088907814
Pub Date: 09 May 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 20fc/40bw
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9789088907807
Pub Date: 09 May 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 20fc/40bw
Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean: Dearchaizing the Archaic offers a comprehensive coverage of the most recent advances in interdisciplinary research on the early human settling of the Caribbean islands. It covers the time span of the so-called Archaic Age and focuses on the Middle to Late Holocene period which – depending on specific case studies discussed in this volume – could range between 6000 BC and AD 1000. A similar approach to the early settlers of the Caribbean islands has never been published in one volume, impeding the realization of a holistic view on indigenous peoples’ settling, subsistence, movements, and interactions in this vast and naturally diversified macroregion.
Public Archaeology Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 102
ISBN: 9781912090808
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2019
This volume explores the relationship between archaeology and contemporary society, especially as it concerns local communities living day-to-day alongside archaeological heritage. The contributors come from a range of disciplines and offer inspiring views emerging from the marriage of archaeology with a number of other fields, such as economics, social anthropology, ethnography, public policy, oral history and tourism studies, to form the discipline of ‘public archaeology’. There is growing interest in investigating the meanings of archaeology assets and archaeological landscapes, and this volume targets these issues with case studies from Greece, Italy, Turkey and elsewhere.
The Ancient Egyptian Footwear Project Cover The Ancient Egyptian Footwear Project Cover
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9789088907333
Pub Date: 04 Mar 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 1458fc/12bw
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9789088907326
Pub Date: 04 Mar 2019
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 1458fc/12bw
Since long, footwear has been neglected, but the Ancient Egyptian Footwear Project (AEFP), which started 10 years ago, filled in this gap in the knowledge on day-to-day ancient Egypt by studying the archaeological record as well as the imagery and textual evidence.
The Land Was Forever: 15000 Years in North-East Scotland Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9781785709883
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2019
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Eight sites were excavated along the route of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route between Balmedy to Tipperty. The sites are mostly multi-period. One site on the banks of the River Dee, revealed nine phases of activity extending from the Upper Palaeolithic through to the post-Medieval.
Tracing Technoscapes Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 230
ISBN: 9789088906879
Pub Date: 18 Dec 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 36fc/119bw
The book provides insights into the various technical approaches and underlying bodies of knowledge in the different wall painting traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age and sheds light on how these may have been interwoven.
Constructing Monuments, Perceiving Monumentality and the Economics of Building Cover Constructing Monuments, Perceiving Monumentality and the Economics of Building Cover
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9789088906978
Pub Date: 10 Dec 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 46fc/40bw
Pages: 285
ISBN: 9789088906961
Pub Date: 10 Dec 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 46fc/40bw
In many societies monuments are associated with dynamic socio-economic and political processes that these societies underwent and/or instrumentalised. Due to the often large human and other resources input involved in their construction and maintenance, such constructions form an useful research target in order to investigate both their associated societies as well as the underlying processes that generated differential construction levels. Monumental constructions may physically remain the same for some time but certainly not forever.
Ancient Textiles Modern Science II Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 146
ISBN: 9781789251203
Pub Date: 25 Nov 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w
Ancient Textiles Modern, Science II follows the success of the first proceedings, published in 2013, that catalogued the Forum’s formative years. This proceedings highlights the range of subjects and approaches, from improved forms of notation for nålbinding and terminology for non-woven fabric structures, to presentation and practical interpretation of new and unique discoveries from Lengberg Castle and of Roman leather underpants. The significance of unrealised assumptions and unappreciated historic decisions is shown through the discovery of weaving tablets unrecognised during their excavation and the effects of water supply on the outcome of dyeing in Pompeii.
Was tranken die frühen Kelten? Cover Was tranken die frühen Kelten? Cover
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9789088906152
Pub Date: 21 Nov 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: BEFIM
Illustrations: 129fc/37bw
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9789088906145
Pub Date: 21 Nov 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: BEFIM
Illustrations: 129fc/37bw
German Abstract:Was die sogenannten „frühen Kelten” tranken, weckt seit über hundert Jahren das Interesse der Wissenschaft und der Öffentlichkeit. Funde mediterraner Importkeramik ließen Forscher_innen schon früh vermuten, dass den „Kelten“ vor allem an einer Nachahmung mediterraner Trinksitten gelegen war.Die in Mitteleuropa gefundene Gelagekeramik griechischen Ursprungs und die mediterranen Transportamphoren sah man bis vor kurzem als Beleg für eben jene Übernahme griechischer Lebensstile auch nördlich der Alpen.
Océan, céramiques et îles dans l’ouest de la France Cover Océan, céramiques et îles dans l’ouest de la France Cover
Pages: 410
ISBN: 9789088906244
Pub Date: 06 Nov 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: `302fc/24bw
Pages: 410
ISBN: 9789088906237
Pub Date: 06 Nov 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: `302fc/24bw
Ce livre est consacré à la recherche sur le développement de la production et des échanges céramiques entre le continent et les îles de Bretagne, du Néolithique à la période gallo-romaine. L’analyse archéométrique de la céramique est utilisée pour explorer le développement des réseaux de communication: la circulation des personnes et des produits entre les îles et le continent. Ces îles produisaient-elles leur propre poterie ou étaient-elles dépendantes de la production continentale?
An Etruscan Affair Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780861592111
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2018
Series: British Museum Research Publications
Illustrations: 160
This volume considers how the discovery of Etruscan sites and artefacts has inspired artists, architects, statesmen, collectors, scholars and travellers to Italy from the 16th through to the 20th century, from Ferdinando de' Medici to Piranesi and Federico Fellini. Subjects include the reclaiming of Etruscan identity and its influence on Italian political history, the collecting and reproduction of Etruscan artefacts, as well as new insights into the lives and activities of early British Etruscologists and the pleasures and perils which they encountered on their travels. Other essays look at Etruscan concepts in jewellery, gems and pottery.
Metals, Minds and Mobility Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9781785709050
Pub Date: 26 Oct 2018
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: b/w and colour
Metals, Minds and Mobility seeks to integrate archaeometallurgical data with archaeological theory to address longstanding questions about mechanisms of exchange, mobility and social complexity in prehistory. The circulation of metal has long been viewed as a catalyst for social, economic and population changes in Europe. New techniques and perspectives derived from archaeological science can shed new light on the understanding of the movement of people, materials and technological knowledge.